25 MINITS | SOUND WITH JAPANESE CAFE | Starbucks| Japan Travel, Tokyo https://www.alojapan.com/831955/25-minits-sound-with-japanese-cafe-starbucks-japan-travel-tokyo/
Let’s study together!! [SNS] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yuta_ino23 TikTok: yuta in Tokyo Twitter: yuta in Tokyo
#BGM #studywithme #Tokyo #Tokyodestinations #Tokyotour #tokyotravel #Tokyotrip #Tokyovacation #勉強 #東京
#bgm #studywithme #tokyo #tokyodestinations #tokyotour #tokyotravel #tokyotrip #tokyovacation #勉強 #東京
RT @CollaNote@twitter.com
Check out the translation tool in CollaNote for all texts - including PDF. And if you want, you can have your whole note read out to you. Note by Lys 🥰
#collanote #digitalplanner #ipadplanner #planneraddict #plannercommunity #bestnotetakingapp #studywithme #studytips
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CollaNote/status/1614326280702537729
#collanote #digitalplanner #ipadplanner #planneraddict #plannercommunity #bestnotetakingapp #studywithme #studytips
Study with me!!! yeyeh!!!
Waiting room: https://youtu.be/9WVh45G7PQE
@ 8 PM CET
#StudyWithMe #stream #livestream #youtube
#studywithme #stream #livestream #youtube
In 20 minutes, i'm going to do a #StudyWithMe stream!!
yea fuck my exams
Waiting room: https://youtu.be/-oIsmwStEsQ
#live #livestream #youtube
#studywithme #live #livestream #youtube
✏ D-15: consti law's not my strongest suit. my brain turns to mush everytime i so much as open codals and books. and it's only two weeks before finals!
#studydon #studying #studywithme #studylaw #studyinglaw #studycommunity
#studydon #studying #studywithme #studylaw #studyinglaw #studycommunity
Twenty-five days before Finals! Today marks Day 1 of my revision for finals. My weakest link is Political Law, so I will focus more on that. The game plan is to create flashcards and use the blurting method in order to easily remember the general concepts. I've also been working on straightening my case digest compilation, which is a lot harder than it looks given the number of cases I have had to skip in order to catch up.
#studying #StudyBuddy #studytime #studywithme
We'll dig deeper into OpenAI Whisper (https://openai.com/blog/whisper/) this weekend. I'll announce a DateTime for the YT live stream here later.
Note: It's not a presentation but a #StudyWithMe session. You can also join in on the task/Livestream via audio/video through Google Meet.
YT Link: http://youtube.com/@datadrivenbabe
#Data #VoiceTech #NLP #SpeechTech #AI #ML #MLOps
How much do you know about the sub-field already?
#studywithme #MLops #ml #AI #speechtech #nlp #voicetech #Data
We'll dig deeper into OpenAI Whisper (https://openai.com/blog/whisper/) this weekend. I'll announce a DateTime for the YT live stream here later.
Note: It's not a presentation but a #StudyWithMe session. You can also join in on the task/Livestream via audio/video through Google Meet.
YT Link: http://youtube.com/@datadrivenbabe
#Data #VoiceTech #NLP #SpeechTech #AI #ML #MLOps
How much do you know about the sub-field already?
#studywithme #MLops #ml #AI #speechtech #nlp #voicetech #Data
RT @NicolasRoland@twitter.com
Des étudiant·e·s qui se filment en train de travailler.
D’autres qui les regardent pendant qu’ils/elles révisent.
C’est le #StudyWithMe.
Cela permet aux étudiant·e·s d’être plus concentré·e·s, motivé·e·s et de mieux réguler leurs apprentissages.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NicolasRoland/status/1475784256060542977
Gaur jakin dut ikasleen bitartez #studywithme streamingak zer diren, eta azkenaldian erabiltzen dituztela. Batetik, zahartzen ari naiz (sorpresa!) eta bestetik... tristezia pixka bat eman dit baita ere.