#Awww... What a #BeautifulDay, #MisterDen...
My #CyclingHardware is #SafelyStowed for when #IT's #Not the #HottestDay of the #Year... We should do some #Recycling #OneDay, maybe...
#IT's also good #PeggingOut #Weather, aye...
#Meanwhile... #Back to #Diablo4World...
There's #Stuff #StillHappening and we have #LickyLickyLollies...
🌻⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🌻 | 🦹🍨🧙🐻🧙🍨🦹
#awww #beautifulday #misterden #cyclinghardware #safelystowed #it #not #hottestday #year #recycling #oneday #peggingout #weather #meanwhile #back #diablo4world #stuff #stillhappening #lickylickylollies
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingHotAndStickyNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer...
#Stuff is #StillHappening in #Diablo4World...
#One of the #PSiReNeX(s) #DiedOfHardCore... Because, #HardCore and #IT's #HotAndSticky...
#IT's #OK; we'll #Revive and #TryAgain... With a #BiggerBeard... #Still... #QuiteGoodFun; #Especially in #HardCore...
And, #Still... #PlumAndRusty...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🦹🍪🐻🍪🦹☕
#notnews24 #unbreaklinghotandstickynotnews #notnearly24 #oftenless #frequentlyfewer #stuff #stillhappening #diablo4world #one #psirenex #diedofhardcore #hardcore #it #hotandsticky #ok #revive #tryagain #biggerbeard #still #quitegoodfun #especially #plumandrusty
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingAfternoonTeaAndABunNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer...
#Stuff is #StillHappening in #Diablo4World...
#IT's #Still... #QuiteGoodFun; #Especially in #HardCore...
And, #PlumAndRusty...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🦹🍪🐻🍪🦹☕
#notnews24 #unbreaklingafternoonteaandabunnotnews #notnearly24 #oftenless #frequentlyfewer #stuff #stillhappening #diablo4world #it #still #quitegoodfun #especially #hardcore #plumandrusty
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingMidMorningBiscuitNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer...
#Stuff is #StillHappening in #Diablo4World...
#IT's #Still... #QuiteGoodFun; #EspeciallyGood for #AllNightGamePlay / #LateNightExploricatin' in between #HittingThingsWithHammers...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🦹🍪🐻🍪🦹☕
#notnews24 #unbreaklingmidmorningbiscuitnotnews #notnearly24 #oftenless #frequentlyfewer #stuff #stillhappening #diablo4world #it #still #quitegoodfun #especiallygood #allnightgameplay #latenightexploricatin #hittingthingswithhammers
Недавно у научно-популярного медиа N + 1 вышла статья с разбором обоснованности написанного на маркерных досках в Control.
#stuff #ControlRemedy #RemedyConnectedUniverse
Firstly, thanks to @tayarndt and @mikedoise for building this site for Unmute Presents. Check out “Unmute: Exploring the Echobatix App with Gary and Mia if you missed the episode Use the subscribe links to get the Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday Episodes.! https://www.unmute.show/2023/08/31/unmute-exploring-the-echobatix-app-with-gary-and-mia/ NOTE: Episode dropping Thursday for a update on #IAcast #UnmutePresents and other #Stuff!
#iacast #unmutepresents #stuff
@selzero (@selzero@vmst.io @PSiReN@vmst.io)
You're #NotWrong, #MisterDen... I can see why you'd #SayThat; but...
The #MastodonMechaGodzilla is #FineAboutIT...
And, the #MastodonMechaUnicorn has #Stuff to #Do... Like #Hunting for #Biscuits... Or a #Doughnut...
#Biscuit... #Biscuit... #Yum! #YumYum...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🍩🐻🦄🐻🍩☕
#notwrong #misterden #saythat #mastodonmechagodzilla #fineaboutit #mastodonmechaunicorn #stuff #do #hunting #biscuits #doughnut #biscuit #yum #yumyum
@HopelessDemigod @HopelessDemigod The local #news programming has devolved into endless chit chat, entertainment gossip, pushing sales, pressuring people to keep BUYING #STUFF.
А тем временем издательство Future Press интересуется у своих фолловеров в соцсетях, а не выпустить ли им ещё одну партию артбука Control 👀
The Art and Making of Control вышла в январе 2021-го тиражом в несколько сотен копий и почти сразу же была распродана.
#stuff #ControlRemedy #RemedyConnectedUniverse
Everything doesn’t have to be so expensive. The staff at The Verge recently came up with their favorite low-priced gadgets, like an electric screwdriver, a stick vacuum, even an eyeglasses necklace. Check it out: https://flip.it/xmLzFe
#Tech #Gadgets #Technology #Stuff
#tech #gadgets #technology #stuff
It's a #good thing non #popular #instances are not #scrutinized for #copyright #stuff as much...
Otherwise you,'d probably find me #assassinated in a #nearby #parkinglot by the
#Music #Industry #goons for
"Sharing valuable musicz"
(I bet they'd put a #vinyl with the #engraving "don't steal our s#%+ " next to their target as a kinda deterrent )
#good #popular #instances #scrutinized #copyright #stuff #assassinated #nearby #parkinglot #music #industry #goons #vinyl #engraving #stuffalcea
This week's Midweek MediaWatch quoted comments made about political polls on the Newsable podcast. David Farrar of polling company Curia - which produces polls for the National party - admitted that poll results released close to an election can influence the election results:
Surely it's unacceptable for any business activity funded by political parties and media organisations to distort election outcomes?
#podcasts #rnz #mediawatch #stuff #newsable #nzpolitics
#Abundance Is About More Than #Stuff
So. As usual, I need to do "STUFF" and it's pissin down...
#stuff #stufftodo #carstufftodo #stuffthatcanonlybedoneoutside
#stuffthatcanonlybedoneoutside #carstufftodo #stufftodo #stuff
The images that made us realise we had the brace position all wrong
#stuff #flying #bracebracebrace
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingNearlySuppertimeNotNews... #NotNearly24; but, with #Beer... And #TortillaSevillana, and #Salad...
#Stuff is #StillHappening in #Diablo4World...
#IT's #Still... #QuiteGoodFun; #EspeciallyGood for #AllNightGamePlay / #LateNightExploricatin' in between #HittingThingsWithHammers...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🍻🦹🚀🐻🚀🦹🍻
#notnews24 #unbreaklingnearlysuppertimenotnews #notnearly24 #beer #tortillasevillana #salad #stuff #stillhappening #diablo4world #it #still #quitegoodfun #especiallygood #allnightgameplay #latenightexploricatin #hittingthingswithhammers
If you like to know more #facts about ordinary "stuff" and are curious about a lot of things, I have the #podcast for you (and me). The episode I am listening to now is for instance about motorway services, the threadmill and ties. Who made them? Why? How? Where? And bonus points if you are a royal fan, as one of the hosts are lady Diana's brother, he is very knowledgeable and entertaining.
What are sine of your favourite podcasts? #history #culturalhistory #stuff
#facts #podcast #history #culturalhistory #stuff
A #german #dubbed show that looks #decent ..
And #ofc .. Not entirely #dubbed.
But thank god I #stopped watching dubbed #stuff a decade ago ...
#ShakuganNoShana #dub #sob
#german #dubbed #decent #ofc #shakugannoshana #dub #sob #stuffalcea #stopped #stuff
TheOnion: Barack Obama Opens New Electronics Store https://www.theonion.com/barack-obama-opens-new-electronics-store-1850725657 #americanpeopleofgermandescent #northropgrumman #lockheedmartin #michelleobama #barackobama #obamafamily #iphone #obama #stuff
#americanpeopleofgermandescent #northropgrumman #lockheedmartin #michelleobama #barackobama #obamafamily #iphone #obama #stuff