Even though I am feeling QUITE A BIT LESS DEPRESSED, I'm doing my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK for my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH in STUPID ECHO PARK where it is STUPID SUNNY what's up with that even #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupidbrains #stupidsun
#stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupidbrains #stupidsun
Doing my FUCKING STUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK in the COLD, HALF-HEARTED RAIN for my STUPID FUCKING MENTAL HEALTH because I'm REALLY FUCKING DEPRESSED and apparently I should do things for my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH #ThanksIHateIt #StupidMentalHealthWalk #StupidMentalHealth #StupidBrains
#thanksihateit #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupidmentalhealth #stupidbrains