going on a stupid mental health walk for my stupid mental health to remind myself that if there's one thing my stupid brain can do it's put one stupid foot in front of the other, thanks I hate this #stupidbrain #stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
#stupidbrain #stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
Went on a stupid mental health walk for my stupid mental health for my stupid depression in the stupid grey before it gets too stupid hot #stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealth #stupidMentalHealthWalk
#stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
Did a stupid mental health walk this morning for my stupid mental health because stupid brains. #stupidmentalhealth #stupidbrain #stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealthwalk
#stupidmentalhealth #stupidbrain #stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealthwalk
Doing my stupid mental health walk in the stupid sun for my stupid brain because we just bought a stupid house even with all this stupid mental health which is probably a stupid achievement #StupidDepression #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
#stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
@stupidmentalhealthwalks @danhon thank you for sharing your #StupidDepression journey. Still harder than it should be to talk about these things in public.
Doing my stupid mental health walk in the stupid grey Portland rain because of my stupid mental health and my stupid brain and because this stupid works in stupid depression #stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
#stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
Going on a stupid walk for my stupid mental health because everything is stupid, I hate that this works, stupid brain. #stupidmentalhealth #stupidwalk #stupiddepression
#stupidmentalhealth #stupidwalk #stupiddepression
Doing my STUPID WALK for my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH and GAH don't you just HATE HOW IT HELPS it's INSUFFERABLE all because of my STUPID BRAIN #stuoidmentalhealth #stupidwalk #stupiddepression
#stuoidmentalhealth #stupidwalk #stupiddepression
Doing my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK in because my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH has been STUPID NOT GOOD so I'm STUPID MOVING my STUPID BODY OUTSIDE and ugh #srupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupiddepression
#srupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupiddepression
Going on a STUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK in 38f / 3C weather only this time I REMEMBERED MY STUPID GLOVES and I'm doing this all for my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH ugh I hate it how's everyone doing today #srupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupiddepression
#srupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupiddepression
Going on my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK for my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH which is mainly a mixture of STUPID ANXIETY inducing STUPID DEPRESSION and TIRED OVERWHELMEDNESS also my hands are super cold but the morning sun is nice
#stupiddepression #srupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
#stupiddepression #srupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk
I am back from sunny LA and doing my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK in STUPID GREY PORTLAND and I am feeling TIRED AND DISPIRITED AND COMING DOWN so this STUPID WALK better help with my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH #stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupidbrain #stupidmentalhealth
#stupiddepression #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupidbrain #stupidmentalhealth
Doing my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK at a STUPID TIME IN THE MORNING because today I managed to DRAG MY DEPRESSED ASS OUT OF BED for my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH hopefully this means I'll be less of a STUPID MEAN ASSHOLE to people today also it's STUPID COLD #stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupiddepression #stupiditsallanact #stupidlydoingitforexternalvalidation #stupidhashtags
#stupidmentalhealth #stupidmentalhealthwalk #stupiddepression #stupiditsallanact #stupidlydoingitforexternalvalidation #stupidhashtags