It’s a little late in the game to say “humans shouldn’t interfere with nature” when ancient sequoias are now threatened with extinction bc of human activity.
Yes, we should save the giant sequoias, bc it’s our fault they’re in danger to begin with. But don’t try to “replace” 3,000-year-old trees with seedlings. That’s impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth. We are those trees. What happens to them, happens to us. The headline might as well read “Earth, long symbolic of all life on Earth, is dying. Should we save it?” Hmmm…. 🧐🤨
#california #wildfires #climatechange #stupidquestions
Tell me what is the connection between the orcs' message about the death of Budanov, the ghoul's message about increasing the production of the most modern types of weapons by this criminal gang, and messages of the ministry of the foreign lie about holding Ukraine responsible for the «destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP»?
Just like hoax is associated with disinformation, lies and fakes, and russia with evil, hatred, crimes against humanity #Stupidquestions
Since I'm leaving Instagram and I'm still a #Fediverse newbie, should I create an account on a Pixelfed server if I'm looking for an alternative image sharing platform? Or can I connect with Pixelfed via Mastodon without needing to create a new account? #StupidQuestions #AdviceNeeded #Pixelfed
#fediverse #stupidquestions #AdviceNeeded #pixelfed
Insanely important scientific poll:
When you use a bar of soap to clean yourself do you use the bar directly, or rub the soap on your hands and clean yourself with the soapy hands?
Boost for science please.
#soap #poll #science #boost #stupidquestions
#soap #poll #science #boost #stupidquestions
How come Edge's experimental "Rounded Tabs" (aka floating buttons, like in Firefox instead of tabs) is claimed to be "same as the rest of Windows 11" when no other app in Windows 11 has them?
#windows #windows11 #stupidquestions
#Stupidquestions А якщо попросити в Німеччини для української армії німецькі електричні м'ясорубки, яка буде причина відмови?
Some guy who purports to be a political pundit just asked “why do people want their Twitter archives,” like God stole all his brain cells. I can only tolerate so many stupid questions before I realize someone is a pundit for reasons not based in merit. #stupidquestions #twitter
#Stupidquestions А дійде до того, що заблоковані журналісти будуть писати йому відкриті листи, влаштовувати протести через нехтування свободою слова?
Люди просто чи то не розуміють, чи то роблять вигляд, що не розуміють, що це чужий сайт (зараз отого "сказочного" філантропа), на якому дозволено реєструватися та коментувати головну сторінку лише авторизованим
#Stupidquestions А дійде до того, що заблоковані журналісти будуть писати йому відкриті листи, влаштовувати протести через нехтування свободою слова?
Люди просто чи то не розуміють, чи то роблять вигляд, що не розуміють, що це чужий сайт (зараз отого "сказочного" філантропа), на якому дозволено реєструватися та коментувати головну сторінку лише авторизованим
@BlinkingRight You got that blinking right. So that's blinking alright.
And there are nowhere near as many #StupidQuestions as there are #StupidAnswers.
#stupidquestions #StupidAnswers
Genuine tech question. Search disabled for anything other than hashtags/people or whatever. What's to stop a nefarious actor from bot-skimming the fedi feed and parsing it themselves? #mastodon #question #hashtag #search #stupidquestions
#mastodon #question #hashtag #search #stupidquestions
#StupidQuestions from a noob: 1) Does the Federated timeline provide toots from ALL Mastodon servers, or just the one(s) the user has joined? 2) I've set my settings to see only toots in English, and yet I'm still seeing various languages in the Federated timeline. What is the particular flavor of my user error here? Thanks in advance!