sgt1372 · @sgt1372
338 followers · 13228 posts · Server


Looks like the woman was the primary aggressor and she certainly wasn't "defending herself" when she hit the guy. She was just pissed off.

I don't see what all the fuss is about.

The company just wants to construct some planters on the ground which I assume would look a lot better than what it looks like now.

If no one knows who owns it, the non-profits claims to the land are no better than the company's.

Also, legally speaking, the company may have a legal claim to it because it's immediately adjacent to its property under a theory title based on adverse possession or as an easement.

If the company decides to bring such an action to claim title or the right to use the land, the non-profit can sue to prove whatever rights that they think they have to the land, if they can prove "standing" to bring such an action in the 1st place.

#stupidshit #propertydisputes

Last updated 1 year ago

Mickey Lloyd · @mlbellar
46 followers · 1022 posts · Server

"The shit Ron will do to keep his mind off the fact he's the gov of Florida" - the rain that keeps on dripping into his pudding cup

#christian #facist #stupidshit

Last updated 1 year ago

Mickey Lloyd · @mlbellar
39 followers · 926 posts · Server

"Just like you, I'll be back" - the pothole

These Terminator movies just keep getting more and more off the rail

#stupidshit #la

Last updated 1 year ago

G. Love · @g_love
59 followers · 871 posts · Server

Haha I’ll save for you me seed! Bwahahahaahaha that article was funny in title alone.

#dumbass #stupidshit #lol

Last updated 2 years ago

Sijie Liang · @LiangSijie
102 followers · 1340 posts · Server

A few weeks back, I saw these small whiteboards on special at Officeworks and grabbed a few.

My intention was for my housemate @dirtycommo and I to leave messages for each other but really they've just been space for band names and other stupid shit. 😂

So far the frontrunner is Magic Chai but I must say I am partial to Stanky & The Mankies as well as Dongle-tron. 😂

#開玩笑 #信息 #室友 #共享房子 #白板 #fun #stupidshit #bandnames #messages #notices #housemates #sharehouse #whiteboard

Last updated 3 years ago

erAck · @erAck
218 followers · 5335 posts · Server

Ich wusste bislang nicht, dass es Funk-Grill-Thermometer gibt. Aber jetzt da ich es weiß halte ich es für den überflüssigsten Scheiß der Saison.


Last updated 7 years ago