Our newest #LEGOIdeas submission features #LEGO dioramas recreating the covers of the first #ThreeInvestigator adventures!! Each model showcases one of the teenage sleuths as they investigate #TerrorCastle, a #StutteringParrot and a #WhisperingMummy!!
All details here ⬇️
#legoideas #lego #threeinvestigator #terrorcastle #stutteringparrot #whisperingmummy
#ThreeInvestigators #TerrorCastle #StutteringParrot #WhisperingMummy #WeInvestigateAnything #LEGO #LEGOIdeas #AFOL
#threeinvestigators #terrorcastle #stutteringparrot #whisperingmummy #weinvestigateanything #lego #legoideas #afol
Back in July 2020, inspired by the new #LegoArt concept and a suggestion from @rockybeachcom, we to began to reimagine some of the great #DieDreiFragezeichen / #ThreeInvestigators #AigaRasch story covers as #LEGOMosaics! Pleased to reshare #StutteringParrot & #Perlenvögel!
#legoart #diedreifragezeichen #threeinvestigators #aigarasch #legomosaics #stutteringparrot #perlenvogel