Looking at this fucked up #JonahHill situation makes me embarrassed that I praised #Stutz, now that I see him weaponizing therapy language to be a gross shithead. I am deeply disappointed in the whole thing.
I believe the simplest and most immediately beneficial thing (insert name of any human being here) can do to experience better #MentalHealth is to watch #Stutz. Note the 100% Rotten tomatoes score.
#mentalhealth #stutz #netflix #adhd #jonahhill
This 🎯 post reminds me to remind the entire world to watch #Stutz on #Netflix, the very best movie on #mentalhealth ever made. Watch it and see if you don't agree.
#stutz #netflix #mentalhealth #jonahhill
#Stutz #Lebenskraft #TeilX #Perlenkette #Schatten #Scham #Liebe #radikaleakzeptanz #Sinn #Schnappschuss #labyrinth #fairness #fluss #dankbarkeit #ohnedramadurchdiehoelle #verlust #verschmerzen
#stutz #lebenskraft #teilx #perlenkette #Schatten #scham #liebe #radikaleakzeptanz #sinn #Schnappschuss #labyrinth #fairness #fluss #dankbarkeit #ohnedramadurchdiehoelle #verlust #verschmerzen
“Kendini kötü hissedenlere ‘Sen ne yapsan sorunların çözülemez, olay sistemle alakalı’ demek yapıcı bir yaklaşım olmaz. Ama öyleyse sistemden hiç mi söz etmeyelim?”
—Şebnem Baran’dan #Stutz üzerine: https://manifold.press/stutz
#manifold #Stutz #terapi #belgesel #Netflix #ŞebnemBaran #ManifoldPress
#stutz #manifold #terapi #belgesel #netflix #sebnembaran #manifoldpress
#Stutz aan het kijken. Jonah Hill in een documentaire over z'n therapeut en zichzelf. (#cijfernerd-je net toevallig)
Don’t know if anybody needs to hear this but I just watched #stutz on #netflix by Jonah Hill and it was goosebump material. It was a lot more than I expected, especially during the first 10 minutes or so and it left a ferling of warmth with me. And there aren’t many movies that can do that. So recommrndation to anyone who sees this. #documentary #film #therapy
#stutz #netflix #documentary #film #therapy
#Stutz on #Netflix is such a good #film! I really appreciated the honesty and vulnerability by #JonahHill and the man himself. Some of the issues discussed might seem obvious, but Dr. Phil Stutuz presents them and his tools in such a simple, practical, and sometimes irreverent way that I couldn’t help but welcome the fresh perspective. Sweet and compelling! #Highlyrecommend
#stutz #netflix #film #jonahhill #highlyrecommend
thank you for sharing 🖖🏽
there's a movie on Netflix about a psychiatrist #Stutz where he says same and that writing helps make your unconscious conscious
"Stutz" é um documentário do ator Jonah Hill sobre o seu terapeuta e amigo Phil Stutz. Jonah decidiu fazer o filme para partilhar com o maior número de pessoas possível as ferramentas com que Stuz o ajudou efetivamente a aceitar-se e a melhorar a sua relação com a vida. O documentário está disponível na Netflix. A não perder.
#stutz #transicaointerior #reflexao #filme #netflix
#stutz #transicaointerior #reflexao #filme #netflix
#stutz on Netflix is wayyy too good. Getting therapy advice from jonah Hill... Crazy start to 2023 🤦♂️
I liked the #Stutz documentary on Netflix enough that I ordered Stutz's book, but after seeing these endorsements on the cover, I have, um, questions
Sometimes it's a tiny piece of shit surrounded by a beautiful pearl, and sometimes it's a tiny pearl surrounded by shit.👩🎓 #Stutz
Unglaublich kurzweiliger #Film obwohl nur (auf Englisch) gelabert wird. Und was für's Leben zu lernen gibt's auch. #Stutz #Kino #Netflix. Hier mal eine #Filmempfehlung von mir.
#film #stutz #kino #netflix #filmempfehlung
Continuing with the best movies of 2022. This is one of the best years for film since 2019. There were a few movies that I have been hyped to watch for a while and they definitely paid off. If you want to follow my opinions on the latest movies and documentaries make sure to follow me on Letterboxd!
#movies #film #moviereviews #filmyoutube #cinema #guillermodeltoro #gdtpinocchio #stutz #netflix #hbomax #doctorstrange #marvel #mcu #violentnight
#violentnight #mcu #marvel #doctorstrange #hbomax #netflix #stutz #gdtpinocchio #guillermodeltoro #cinema #filmyoutube #moviereviews #film #movies