the #SaveTheWorld mode is so underrated. i remember it being incredibly confusing at launch, but it is much easier to figure out now (and i am sure that changed a while ago, i hadn't even opened #FortniteStW except to collect my Founder's and Daily gifts in easily 5 years.
but there is base building/tower defense style play, and quests, and achievement hunting, and weapon customization, and all in a more co-op vein, which is a nice alternative to the heated PvP of #FortniteBR.
My favorite part is definitely Shield Defense (waves of Husks in a zone where you have a saved and evolving base)
While my Stonewood base is a pointless monstrosity, my bases in Plankerton and Canny Valley are much tighter and more effective. i play a lot of other people's shield defense, and started to pick up on where husks spawn and how to set up extended trap defenses, rather than only as a last resort around the base.
the weapon variety and customization is probably my second favorite. Based around 5 ammo types there are an overwhelming amount of different weapons, and bonus perks that weapons can feature, plus elemental type bonuses. Right now i am trying to get a full array of elemental types in Legendary melee weapons, primarily swords and spears. i already have 3 of 5 maxed out for my current level. And the melee fighting! Each weapon swings differently with different speed and reach, and there are clubs and spears and swords and axes!
i want to experiment more with the different hero types (it's like the base stats and perks for your playable character, but you can have a bunch of heroes so depending on what your mission is you can choose the right one), i have a mythic Outlander that is just perfect and i play as her 99% of the time, but i am curious to learn about how to use Ninjas since i like melee so much, and the Constructors because i know i am missing something with the B.A.S.E. perk and other advantages they might have when building.
But it's hard to resist my Outlander. She has phase shift (super fast boost in any horizontal direction, and i can do it multiple times in a row), and this static ball thing that zaps tf out of Husks in a several pace wide radius, and T.E.D.D.Y. a giant robotic bear on a swivel mount that has dual machine guns and says "You Are Not A Bear" repeatedly as he mows down husks in a 360°range and all three of those perks recharge repeatedly as i play. Plus i have a floating turret gadget and a healing gadget that heals me and allies near me. Speed, agility, hella weapons, medic ability, and the character design for this outlander is wearing an Anarchy A shirt so just chef's kiss.
i am shocked (admittedly only just recently not part of the same crowd i am shocked at,) and increasingly moreso as i play more, that there aren't more people playing #StW mode. the Battle Royale main modes easily pull hundreds of thousands of players at a time, but Save the World barely pulls tens of thousands.
i wonder if Epic doesn't push/advertise StW more because it a) doesn't really push the purchase of skins the way BR does. your heroes display as their own unique skins and you get so many of them, and you can play as a purchased or unlocked skin from BR mode over a chosen hero too, but then everything else that is customizable or purchasable is done through different items earned by play
and b) you get mad free VBucks, especially back with the daily founder's rewards but still even now, just playing StW
BR mode probably brings in a LOT more profit via VBucks, but still... even as quietly left in the shadows as it is, i am surprised how few people play it, even know about it!
And StW was like the whole intent of the game from the beginning! But, they definitely hit the money with the BR mode. And i can't hate. It's all free (if you didn't buy the founders pack lol) to play, and nothing that can be bought with money via VBucks makes the game easier or more playable, it's just aesthetics.
Like, what other free to get and free to play game has so much playable content, in so many styles, and with so many accessibility tools built in (visual cues for audio, colorblind settings, subtitles on default, etc)?
#savetheworld #fortnitestw #fortnitebr #stw
Streaming this weekend at 4:00 PM eastern. Sharing music off the album as teasers, and playing Survive the Wild. I got credits to give away! 🎮🕹️ I'm a pretty obnoxious guy on camera, so, be warned... 😱 #gaming #streaming #stw #youtube
#gaming #streaming #stw #youtube
Going live this weekend. I am giving away 2000 Survive The Wild credits on the channel. Subscribe and come hang out if you play the game. Come invade my space either way. 🎛️🎧 #gaming #streams #audiogames #stw #youtube #video
#gaming #streams #audiogames #stw #youtube #video
I really wish it could be all in one document so I could do an NVDA find once I get familiar enough to know what I need to refer back to. It's easier to read like that also rather than having to click links for each category and topic. #STW
Im Buchladen um die Ecke erspäht⬇️📚
Anlässlich des 50-jährigen Jubiläums von @suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft gibt es auch eine neue Sonderausgabe von @sfb1265 Sprecherin Martina Löws "Raumsoziologie"!🎈#stw #suhrkamp #raumsoziologie
Hier geht's zur Jubiläumsseite:
#raumsoziologie #Suhrkamp #stw
Suhrkamp goes Merchandising: "Die Aura der Zweckfreiheit intellektueller Weltbetrachtung wird ironisch als Kopfbedeckung verzweckt, um fortan vor zu viel gleißendem Licht außerhalb der platonischen Höhle zu schützen. Aus dem zuvor bloß 'verkappten' intellektuellen Geist wird ein Intellektueller mit Kappe." (Zitat geht auf Arnd Pollmanns Kappe: #stw #suhrkamp #SuhrkampCulture #nonbooks #feineUnterschiede
#stw #Suhrkamp #suhrkampculture #nonbooks #feineunterschiede
Natürlich lege ich sehr viel Wert darauf, dass mein Notizbuch zur Lektüre passt. Vor allem, wenn es so spannende Lektüre ist, wie diese. Als Komparatistin (Allgemeine u. vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft) hab ich zwar immer schon das Gefühl, dass meine Arbeit zur Hälfte (mindestens) daraus besteht, über das "Wie" nachzudenken, aber beim Lesen dieser Studie von Steffen Martus und Carlos Spoerhase, laufen doch einige Fäden zusammen, von denen ich das nie erwartet hätte.
Es ist ja wirklich kein Ratgeber, aber irgendwie hilft es gerade sehr, meine eigenen Praktiken als Teil eines größeren Ganzen zu sehen. Auch wo sie pinke Notizbücher und Pandasticker enthalten 😉
Aber im Ernst, dass niemals jemand je richtig wusste, wie eine Habil zu sein hat, erleichtert mir das Zuendeschreiben enorm!
#Geistesarbeit @suhrkampverlag #stw #notizbuch #lesen #literaturwissenschaft
P.s.: sorry, wenn ihr das jetzt zum wiederholten Male seht, es sind ein paar Tröts verschwunden.
#Geistesarbeit #stw #notizbuch #lesen #Literaturwissenschaft
Sets and stuff.
I think the answer is 19 because if the repition of all colour combos in each set.
#maths #stw #singletrackworld #headache
Sympa l'initiative de #stw (Scan The World), qui consiste à numériser des œuvres d'Art et mettre les modèles 3D scannés à disposition de tous au format .stl pour l'impression 3D.
#stw #art #3d #impression3d #MetaReverse