My model club held it's annual "Cheap Bastards" auction last night, and I made a little haul.

#modelkits #geek #hobby #styrene

Last updated 1 year ago

Barry Schwartz 🫖 · @chemoelectric
281 followers · 2104 posts · Server

The new interlocking cases with clear covers are nice.

Whether these bits are any good on or is another matter. The deWalt bits I had were no good (and one set I just got is likely identical to one I had, except for the case).

I don’t do much HW stuff, but sometimes am drilling into thing to house hokey little projects (such as my continuity detector for making sure I didn’t screw up the connections in the next version).

#dewalt #drillbit #styrene #polycarbonate #electronics #jfet #opamp

Last updated 2 years ago