hyde meets his crush for the first time (subbed) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1795952/announcer/
#announcer #CRUSH #FemaleAnnouncers #HYDE #meets #Subbed #Time #Vlog #アナウンサー #大石恵 #女性アナウンサー
#announcer #crush #FemaleAnnouncers #hyde #meets #subbed #time #vlog #アナウンサー #大石恵 #女性アナウンサー
Made in Abyss First Episode Advance Screening Event (2017) [eng subs] https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1755551/voice-actress/
#ABYSS #advance #anime #Eng #english #episode #event #joueievent #MadeinAbyss #mariyaise #MiyuTomita #Screening #ShioriIzawa #Subbed #Subs #Vlog #voiceactress #つくしあきひと #メイドインアビス #井澤詩織 #伊瀬茉莉也 #声優 #女性声優 #富田美憂 #第一話先行上映イベント
#abyss #advance #anime #eng #english #episode #event #joueievent #madeinabyss #mariyaise #miyutomita #screening #shioriizawa #subbed #subs #vlog #voiceactress #つくしあきひと #メイドインアビス #井澤詩織 #伊瀬茉莉也 #声優 #女性声優 #富田美憂 #第一話先行上映イベント
I stumbled across this on Masahiro Inoue's YouTube channel. It's Toku, it's Inoue (who has been in a few things I love and sometimes I will watch purely for him), and it intrigues me. So here's a playlist, and by the way... it's English subbed in YouTube's sub system. (I'd love to say dubbed for accessibility if nothing else, but...). Anyone who can give me a good translation on the title, that'd rock.
#tokusatsu #MasahiroInoue #subbed
#subbed #masahiroinoue #tokusatsu
銀魂 × 合味道CM3 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1699007/voice-actor/
#english #gintama #Latino] #Legendado #Português #SubEspañol #Subbed #Vlog #voiceactor #合味道CM3 #声優 #日野聡 #男性声優 #銀魂
#english #gintama #latino #legendado #portugues #subespanol #subbed #vlog #voiceactor #合味道cm3 #声優 #日野聡 #男性声優 #銀魂
Makochi vs. Chihhi: Animals in English (English Subbed) 夕方NMB 坂下真心 VS 川上千尋 英語で動物【英語字幕】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1689984/nmb48/
#Animals #chihhi #english #Makochi #nmb48 #Subbed #Vlog #坂下真心 #夕方NMB #川上千尋 #英語で動物英語字幕
#animals #chihhi #english #makochi #nmb48 #subbed #vlog #坂下真心 #夕方NMB #川上千尋 #英語で動物英語字幕