dana :blobhaj_witch: · @blinkygal
183 followers · 1230 posts · Server sunny.garden

I spent some time on for this week and hit some big new milestones. Finally showing template parameters and requires clauses on functions and classes. Constructors are rendered.

And concepts are now rendered!

For example, Ord: danakj.github.io/subspace-docs

Also headers are self-links, links across pages have been added throughout the docs, I added some extensive docs for collections and options based on the Rust docs but C++ified.

There's now breadcrumb links at the top back to the parent namespaces.

There's lots to do but it's starting to actually look like useful docs now.

One BIG todo is to break apart a QualType into a structure that can be reconstructed into a string for display, but for which all types within it have a chance to be turned into links. Like Option<u32> could become a link to Option and to u32. Similarly, breaking a apart constraints (requires clauses) so that types within it can become links.

These need some serious knowledge though, maybe someone out there is interested in this?

#subdoc #subspacecpp #clang

Last updated 1 year ago