Τελευταίους άφησα τους Καναδούς Subhumans και το Slave to my dick γιατί κάναμε μεγάλη πλάκα όταν το ακούγαμε σπίτι παρέα με τα κορίτσια.
Το τραγούδι είναι η ιστορία ενός τύπου που ντύνεται ωραία, γυρνάει κάθε μέρα στα μαγαζιά (βλ. μαλάκας νεοέλληνας) με μοναδικό σκοπό να πηδήξει.
Όποτε αναρωτιόμασταν αν υπάρχει από γυναικείο γκρουπ κάτι αντίστοιχο, πχ Slave to my clit, who knows...😎
#punk #letthemeatjellybeans #subhumans
https://youtube.com/watch?v=WkRi_9fKFOs&feature=share Subhumans, still doing what they love and doing so at a very convincing clip. #Punk #Anarchist #Anarchopunk #Subhumans
#punk #Anarchist #anarchopunk #subhumans
#NowPlaying #Subhumans #QueensOfTheStoneAge
Queens Of The Stone Age - Wake Up Screaming (The Subhumans Cover)
#queensofthestoneage #subhumans #nowplaying
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
🎵 Reason For Existence
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #subhumans
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SonicReducer
🎵 Ashtray Dirt
#nowplaying #SonicReducer #subhumans
Oh my god, it's raining again! #NowPlaying #TuneTuesday #Subhumans https://youtu.be/joc5IBO7jnQ
#nowplaying #tunetuesday #subhumans
Subhumans book by Ian Glasper to be released this spring
#ianglasper #subhumans #punkrock #punk #music
Finally #LastFM has finished analysing my year of listening. I do seem to have spent most of my time listening to bands I have been following for years. My #TopArtist2022 are:
1 #TheExploited
2 #PublicEnemy
3 #AFI
4 #Terror
5 #AlkalineTrio
6 #Nirvana
7 #Rancid
8 #Hatebreed
9 #Subhumans
10 #AllForNothing
#lastfm #topartist2022 #theexploited #publicenemy #afi #terror #alkalinetrio #nirvana #rancid #hatebreed #subhumans #allfornothing
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #CraigCharles
Bruce Treasure, Grant Jackson, Trotsky & Subhumans:
🎵 Reason for Existence
#nowplaying #CraigCharles #BruceTreasure #GrantJackson #Trotsky #subhumans
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
🎵 Get To Work On Time
#nowplaying #GideonCoe #subhumans
Subhumans poster I made
Subhumans poster I made
Subhumans, Edinburgh, 2022
Old punks never die. They just do a bit more ska and reggae.
#Gigs #LiveMusic #Edinburgh #Scotland #PunkRock #Subhumans #CitizenFish
#citizenfish #subhumans #punkrock #scotland #edinburgh #livemusic #gigs
#McCarthy - Banking, Violence and the Inner Life Today.
#BobbyWomack - The Poet
#JohnColtrane - A Love Supreme
#Subhumans - 29:29 Split Vision
#NoMeansNo - 0+2=1
#Specials - Specials
#Cardiacs - Songs For Ships and Irons
#7albumstoknowme #mccarthy #bobbywomack #johncoltrane #subhumans #nomeansno #specials #cardiacs
https://youtu.be/RLPalGBxzSc It was also nice to hear a ‘Subhumans’ track in Mickey: The Story of a Mouse. Fantastic little film but still a bit throw away in a sense. It’s a fun little watch but I doubt I’ll be returning for repeated viewings. Perhaps younger, less jaded eyes will feel differently, right on to those eyes! #Subhumans #CitizenFish
#operationivy #osker #pennywise #pourhabit #Propagandhi #pulley #raisedfist #ramones #rancid #rebuke #reelbigfish #rehasher #riseagainst #rkl #satanicsurfers #ScreechingWeasel #sexpistols #sham69 #slayer #smokeorfire #snfu #snuff #socialdistortion #straightfaced #straightline #streetdogs #strikeanywhere #strungout #subhumans #suicidaltendencies