I am a total #descriptivist with regard to English most of the time, but a #prescriptivist when it involves making language more or less clear with changes. And I tell you, of all the changes that I see coming, losing the #subjunctive mood is really a bummer.
This article on the #Duolingo website is about changes #English might see over the next hundred years or so.
#descriptivist #prescriptivist #subjunctive #duolingo #english
I cry of happiness every time I see the #subjunctive tense used properly.
I'm an egghead.
wish I was they’re.
or grammatically: Wish I were their.
The sentences below might be considered incorrect by some advanced learners of #Spanish, but they are 100% fine. The conjugated verbs “fueres”, “fuere” and “viere” are examples of the Future #subjunctive tense. It has almost disappeared in modern Spanish, although it can still be found in very formal speech and legal documents. Non-natives do not really need to master it.
On the contrary, in #Portuguese , Future Subjunctive is still used frequently.
#spanishlanguage #portuguese #subjunctive #spanish
The sentences below might be considered incorrect by some advanced learners of #Spanish, but they are 100% fine. The conjugated verbs “fueres”, “fuere” and “vieres” are examples of the Future #subjunctive tense. It has almost disappeared in modern Spanish, although it can still be found in very formal speech and legal documents. Non-natives do not really need to master it.
On the contrary, in #Portuguese , the Future Subjunctive is still used frequently.
#spanishlanguage #portuguese #subjunctive #spanish
#Romancelanguages are considered "easy" for #English speakers until they meet something called " #subjunctive " .
#subjunctive #english #romancelanguages
Mastodon tried to change #subjunctive to #submissive there, in case anyone needs evidence this site was built by freaks and weirdos
#subjunctive #submissive #vivelafreak
They're always white-knighting for someone else. "What about the nurses" "What about the disabled" "What about people who have to make urgent fridge deliveries"
Just once I'd like one of these petrosexuals to admit that he just wants to be able to drive and park anywhere he likes and bollocks to everyone else.
#ifthiswereontwitteritwouldbeasubtweet #camelcase #subjunctive