@disability folks with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome do you find ice helpful for treating subluxation pain? I usually don’t use ice but don’t know what to do for a particularly bad shoulder subluxation that happened yesterday
#eds #ehlersdanlossyndrome #NEISvoid #subluxation
Je viens de me réveiller, par la #douleur, du a une #subluxation de hanche.
Ca fait tellement mal :(
== English Version ==
I just woke up due to a hip sub-luxation which hurt so badly :(
Gosh, I hate that feeling...
@CynthiaAdinig My first wrist #subluxation was trying to open a Dijon mustard jar. Since then, mustard jars have been on my #nemesis list. The list expands every year. These foes are wily and can circumvent many assistive devices and power tools. Be on the lookout!!
#subluxation #nemesis #EDS #hypermobility