The first experiment on the #EllaLink #GeoLab has already started!
The Portuguese NREN FCCN interviewed INESC TEC's researcher Orlando Frazão on how this infrastructure integrated in the EllaLink #SubmarineCable can help to study oceanographic conditions, detect earthquakes, understand the movement of tides and boats, and more 👉
Read this article on #CONNECT42, the latest issue of our CONNECT Magazine 📰
#marineecology #seismology #oceanography #connect42 #submarinecable #GeoLab #EllaLink
We’re delighted to share that we’ve achieved a historic milestone in India, by landing our first submarine cable, #MIST in the city of Mumbai which is equipped to carry about 200 Tbs of capacity under 12 fiber pairs.
#mist #submarinecable #connectivity #nttglobaldatacenters
"Tens of thousands of miles of cables crisscross our deep seas, ferrying data between continents and carrying renewable power from offshore energy platforms to the land. These snaking, artificial structures can serve as shelter to a vast array of bottom-dwelling sea life: anemones, sponges, corals, sea stars, urchins, worms, bivalves, crabs and other invertebrates have been found to take up residence on or near undersea..."
#UnderSeaCables #MarineLife #EMF #SubmarineCable
#underseacables #marinelife #emf #submarinecable
For my colleagues working in South Africa, I urge you to welcome a new #submarinecable: 2Africa
.... and a week later from @PhilBE2 (on twitter) showing installation progress of the #submarinecable Arimao of the Orange Marine vessel CS Pierre de Fermat.
This is an early photo from @philBE2 with progress on the new #submarinecable to #Cuba!
Decades of political effort to connect with USA resulting in this third cable build to Cuba
I was playing around with and came across this nifty map showing the submarine cables around the globe.
I'm not really sure how useful this could be but I found it interesting:
#networkmap #submarinecable #letsdefend
» 日治時期東亞海底電線圖 - 臺灣國定古蹟編纂研究小組(National Historic Monuments of Taiwan) | Facebook
Our world is connected.
We see evidence of that from seeing social media updates from people around the world or news broadcasts that cover events happening from anywhere. But have you considered the physical infrastructure of the internet? Of course there are datacenters, giant buildings with loud computers buzzing away. But those buildings need to be connected to each other, to your modem at home, to mobile cell towers that are sprinkled all over the place, and "to the internet". But what does that mean? Contrary to popular belief, satellites are NOT how most information travels the world. Indeed, we have physical cables all over... but instead of carrying electrical signals those cables carry light generated by lasers.
These cables not only exist alongside roads and hung on power lines. They're also running along the bottom of the world's oceans. The image below is an inventory of each of these underwater internet cables. What I find interesting is how many there are! It seems like a lot. But then when I think more about it I am also amazed at how few there are. If you pay attention you will see news articles describing occasional sabotage of these cables, here's one recently published by Wired: This is actually very important to the future and security of the global internet.
#internet #fiberoptic #infrastructure #submarinecable #lasers #packets
You can see a vector version of the map here:
or from my portfolio website:
The data for generating this map is based on:
#internet #fiberoptic #infrastructure #submarinecable #lasers #packets
@LaQuadrature Juste une remarque : les morsures de requin sont quand même extrêmement rares. Il y a des renforcements pour les cables sous-marins depuis qu'on sait que les requins sont attirés par l'électricité qui y passe. Les cassures dûes à des ancres seraient apparemment plus courantes.
#unterseekabel #cablesousmarin #submarinecable