"DESERVE". already the equipment and expenses on promo are crazy. I put all time and money I got into it, leaving just enough to survive.
What do such ignorant people think "#indie"-artists actually are? Got already 3 declines for music funding this year. Sorry for my rough tone. I am just beyond furious.
On #submithub you can't even reply (if the responder doesn't want you to).
Some don't even listen fully (or think a cello is a guitar 🙈), others give reasonable feedback. #review #spotify #rant
#indie #submithub #review #spotify #rant
already the equipment and expenses on promo are crazy. I put all time and money I got into it, leaving just enough to survive.
What do such ignorant people think "#indie"-artists actually are?🖕 Got enough declines for music funding this year already. Sorry for my rough tone. I am just beyond furious.
And on #submithub you can't even reply (if the responder doesn't want you to).
Some don't even listen fully (or think a cello is a guitar 🙈), others give reasonable feedback. #spotify #review #music
#indie #submithub #spotify #review #music
already the equipment and expenses on promo are crazy. I put all time and money I got into it, leaving just enough to survive.
What do such ignorant people think "indie"-artists actually are?🖕 Got enough declines for music funding this year already. Sorry for my rough tone. I am just beyond furious.
And on #submithub you can't even reply (if the responder doesn't want you to).
Some by the way don't even listen (or think a cello is a guitar 🙈) , others give reasonable feedback. #submithub #review
already the equipment and expenses on promo are way too much. I put all my time and money I have into it, earning just enough to survive.
What do such ignorant people think "indie"-artists actually are?🖕 Got enough declines for music funding this year already. Sorry for my rough tone. I am just beyond furious.
And on #submithub you can't even reply (if the responder doesn't want you to)...
this reply on #submithub for a #spotify #playlist really left me speechless, in rage, in pain, baffled.
"Thank you so much for your interest and your time. I think this talented artist deserves a much better studio recording, studio mixing and mastering phase. The overall structure of the song could have been much more gripping and memorable. Best regards..."
--This artist composed, recorded, mixed and mastered the whole song alone. Because I have no money to do otherwise.
#music #indieartists
#submithub #spotify #playlist #music #indieartists
this reply on #submithub for a #spotify #playlist really left me speechless, in rage, in pain, baffled.
"Thank you so much for your interest and your time. I think this talented artist deserves a much better studio recording, studio mixing and mastering phase. The overall structure of the song could have been much more gripping and memorable. Best regards..."
--This artist composed, recorded, mixed and mastered the whole song alone. Because I have no money to do otherwise.
To fellow #musicians #promoters #indieartists
ahhhhh I got like 40 plus declines from #spotify #playlists via #submithub.
the tone of the #music doesn't fit: too #dramatic, too #dark.
This might have been the hardest song I could have started with.
Most people want an uneventful background playing playlist with no surprises. I already contacted only the "sad mood" ones.
Can anyone give me advise wich genre might fit best? More divers playlists might be open?🙏
The song: https://youtu.be/yU32xlu10XM
#musicians #promoters #indieartists #spotify #playlists #submithub #music #dramatic #dark
With #SubmitHub no longer providing access to record labels, I need a new way to find someone to reject my music! ;(
I'm taking 2 mental health days off work because I'm overwhelmed and heading for burnout. Here is a list of things I want to do:
- Spend some time in a coffee shop
- Catch up on #MusicPromotion (e.g. #SubmitHub, video making) for upcoming release
- Go outside
- Get a haircut
- Get a massage
- Make some music
- Write some code
- Attend an AGM (mandatory)
- Get more sleep
- Snuggle the cats
I feel I have overcommitted and this kind of behaviour is part of the problem.