@ricardoramos @Whar I forgot to mention the obsidian-git plugin - it provides seamless #git integration for #obsidian , including git #submodules if you use them.
Depending on how sensitive my vault is, I use GitHub, or a #cryfs #encrypted file based repository on #cloudstorage such as Dropbox.
#git #obsidian #submodules #cryfs #encrypted #cloudstorage
All my OSS tutorials on GitHub now have a central page that will get updated as soon I add more:
With a little help of git submodules, looks pretty good.
#github #git #submodules #tutorials #python #grafana #influxdb #ansible #opensource #linux #bash
#github #git #submodules #tutorials #python #grafana #influxdb #ansible #opensource #linux #bash
It finally happened.
I had a dream about #git #submodules.
As dreams often go, it wasn’t literally real, but my dream referred to a git submodule when discussing enabling a mod to a 30-year-old #space exploration cult classic. (Something else my dream made up.)
Somewhere in the world @jacobsee has probably felt a disturbance in the force and is probably laughing due to numerous occasions of me having a meltdown over projects that have used #submodules.