The word #subtitler does not exist in important dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and Collins. I wonder if there is something we can do to change that.
#subtitlernotindictionary #subtitler
Ok, here we go. I'm Vicky and I am:
🔸️an audiovisual & legal #translator, #subtitler, #proofreader, #QCer. Work languages are French, English and Spanish
Traduzco #películas y #series al español.
🔸️very much into anything #languages, #linguistics, #HumanRights, #law, #literature, #philosophy, #translation, #subtitling, #aviation, #seismology, #ColdWar, et al. ✨️
🔸️in my 30s
🔸️latinoamericana ✌️
#Coldwar #seismology #Aviation #subtitling #translation #philosophy #literature #law #HumanRights #linguistics #languages #series #peliculas #qcer #proofreader #subtitler #translator