Kaan Barmore-Genç · @kaan
164 followers · 277 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Ugh after a quick search, I can't really find any libraries for verifying signatures in browsers.

Which I know doesn't make much sense normally, but I'm repurposing JWTs and need to be able to verify them offline.

So I have to either write a JWT library using , or make my own format with both SubtleCrypto/node crypto support.

#js #jwt #subtlecrypto

Last updated 1 year ago

DevWouter · @DevWouter
77 followers · 638 posts · Server s.poweredbydev.com

I just want to send a encrypted decryption key that can’t be used to encrypt another message using the wrapKey of but I get unspecified errors all around. Guess tomorrow I will be spending time figuring out which combinations are allowed.

#subtlecrypto #browser #security #cryptographic #programming

Last updated 1 year ago