Sesame Street has history with X from spot on Brand X to X-branded. #subtweet
I'm not mad at your god. I'm mad at you for believing this god nonsense. #subtweet
Did you know about HTML?
Learn what is the difference between it and a short Youtube Video for explaining simple Swift concepts like „===“ 🙄
Following enough accounts here so I really can't call this place a desert, even on my single-user node.
But YMMV by what you expect or who you want to follow, talk with.
#subtweet (yes, regarding tweets)
“Light on policy” is a really weird to describe someone who’s whole work is making sure the best policy gets done.
🎶 Some get a kick from cocaine.
I'm sure that if
I took even one sniff
It would bore me terrifically too
Yet I get a kick out of you
I get a kick every time I see you
Standing there before me
I get a kick tho it's clear to see
You obviously don't adore me 🎶
"Ernährungssicherheit durch Bestäuberschwund bedroht!" - "Bäh, Hauptkulturen kommen ohne Fremdbestäubung klar"
"Nichtproduktive Flächen für Artenschutz" - "Hilfe, Ernährungssicherheit, wir werden alle sterben!"
Interessante Argumentationslogik.
How can a coffee shop not be open on a Monday?!?! How do you stay in business? #subtweet
"Voluntary slavery" is a contradiction in terms. Do not use it if you wish to be thought of as rational. (Looking at you, certain Objectivists.)
A semi-regular reminder that everyone, no matter how smart or where they sit on the political spectrum, can fall prey to consipracy theories, assign to malignance what is actually incompetance, and indulge in behavior that they would criticize if the “other side” did it.
We are all human and none of us is immune to actingly irrationally.
Unless you are on some special #instance with weird rules, all your posts on #mastodon are public and linkable via #URL ... You are sharing with the entire Internet. You do not have control over how the rest of the #mastodonian populace interacts, or whether they #boost and add #hashtags with a #hotTake ... If you want your #toots to be above the fray you are going to have to mess with some privacy settings. #subtweet #subToot
#instance #mastodon #url #mastodonian #boost #hashtags #hottake #toots #subtweet #subtoot