Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
40 followers · 290 posts · Server

It's been so hot in Sydney the last few days that now the sun has properly passed over the house, I have all the reptile enclosures open. This way all seven of us can take advantage of the fan. The three lizards all have doors thrown wide open. They're too busy lounging to be a problem. (Two of them have tapped out & gone underground, too much for them.) But the two serpents have both sought cool spots in today's heat, & they're quick on an open door. Armie's top opening cage is less bothersome for me, though he's perfectly capable of getting out, he's just more inclined to stay on the cool tiled floor. Ares, on the other hand, has front-opening glass slides, & she's a little wriggler of a noodle. So even though I've only opened them enough that technically she can't get through, she's strong enough to slide them open further.

This is not something I do very often, but while I am sitting here, it's a very effective way to get some fresh air in the enclosures & cool them down for the evening. They essentially live in glass & wood boxes designed to hold heat. But climate change is a real thing, & even my desert dwellers are unhappy.

Eventually, I would like to install small PC fans on each enclosure. I have seen this done, connected to digital thermos to kick on at a certain temp, & off on the down. This was a solution for Top End enclosures, where not just heat but also humidity needs to be mitigated.

#reptilehusbandry #climatechange #sydneyheatwave #suburbanheatsink

Last updated 2 years ago