Völlig unverständlich, dass auf Kuhmilch ein niedrigerer MwSt Satz berechnet wird. #subversion 😡
„Wer zum Pflanzendrink statt zur Kuhmilch greift, zahlt 19 statt sieben Prozent Mehrwertsteuer. Unverständlich für viele, die sich bewusst für diese Alternativen entscheiden. Aus den Reihen von Grünen und SPD kommen nun Änderungsvorschläge.“
L’auteur cherchait à critiquer le pouvoir en place, mais les réactions lors des représentations à Bamako étaient mitigées. Une exploration captivante du pouvoir, de la rébellion et de la complexité de l’histoire. 🎭
#theatre #subversion #histoire
@tradracist @dickflatteningenthusiast
It doesn’t matter what you want, if other white men do not want it bad enough, in sufficient numbers.
We need to be learning and studying #Jewish #subversion tactics in order to protect #white pluralities and #minorities, both in the UK and North America and in smaller expat communities around the world.
#minorities #white #subversion #jewish
Information security is said to be everyone's responsibility. As social media drives false narratives, #disinformation, along with other malicous agendas, the need to be #information #resilient has never been so important as it is today! More at... https://maolte.ie/blog/145-information-resilience-and-security #subversion #securityawareness #security #cybersecurity #datasecurity #informationsecurity #socialmedia #falsenarratives
#disinformation #information #resilient #subversion #securityawareness #security #cybersecurity #datasecurity #informationsecurity #socialmedia #falsenarratives
#forest_watch_impress #GitHub #SourceForge #Subversion #OSDN #SVN #プログラミング #Webサービス
#forest_watch_impress #github #sourceforge #subversion #osdn #svn #プログラミング #webサービス
Die Folge 11 des @plotthook ist da! Dieses Mal redet @Atarius mit @Igni über den deutsch-sprachigen #Shadowrun #ActualPlay #Podcast "Berlin: It's a bug - not a feature", sowie über die kommende deutsche Fassung des #Cyberpunk #PenandPaper|s #Subversion, welche bei @Polyfeder erscheint.
Auf YouTube als Video:
Als Audio-Podcast:
#shadowrun #actualplay #podcast #cyberpunk #penandpaper #subversion #pnpde #pnp #rollenspiel
Dr. Andreas Krieg: The most remarkable bit about the #AbuDhabiSecrets leak is that the #UAE paid $5 million for this poorly executed disinfo-based 'due diligence' report and that Islamophobes & Islam-skeptics in Europe jumped on this disinformation to target European Muslims #subversion (first came out in March, now more details) @uae
#abudhabisecrets #uae #subversion
Er schenkte uns eine Sternstunde der subversiven Überaffirmation: Fredy Meier alias Herr Müller ist gestorben.
Von @kellerflo
#Müllern #SRF #Jugendunruhen #Subversion #Zürich #Affekt #Aktivismus
#aktivismus #affekt #zurich #subversion #jugendunruhen #srf #mullern
Meta: intervista a Yann Lecun, Chief of Machine Learning di Meta, in visita in Italia: "A.I. ha potenziale enorme da dispiegare nella scienza, nella medicina, nei trasporti "
Alluvione in Romagna: sull'elicottero, inquadratura sullo sguardo teso di Figliuolo volante sulle parole del giornalista: "Il generale #Figliuolo osserva il disastro in Emilia Romagna"
Indipendenza #Orcadi: qui emerge la #subversion #rai: "Come spesso accade, dietro le pulsioni identitarie ci sono motivi economici" ottimo!
#Rai #subversion #Orcadi #figliuolo
Meta: intervista a Yann Lecun, Chief of Machine Learning di Meta, in visita in Italia: "A.I. ha potenziale enorme da dispiegare nella scienza, nella medicina, nei trasporti "
Alluvione in Romagna: inquadratura dall'elicottero, stacco sullo sguardo teso di Figliuolo sulle parole del giornalista: "Il generale Figliuolo osserva il disastro in Emilia Romagna"
Indipendenza #Orcadi: qui emerge la #subversion #rai: "Come spesso accade, dietro le pulsioni identitarie ci sono motivi economici" ottimo!
sul raisport al giro delle dolomiti citano Spinoza e Dostojevskij e fanno un discorso pro bici e anti macchine del tipo "in questi giorni con le biciclette qui si sente il rumore della natura, non rombano le mercedes e il silenzio rumoroso dei ciclisti che non siamo più abituati a sentire ci fa riflettere su come gestire il turismo" "magari a #Corvara è stata costruita qualche casa in più..."
#subversion #bike #dolomiti #anthropocene
#anthropocene #dolomiti #bike #subversion #Corvara
Très heureux d’avoir participé à cette formation d’élus régionaux sur des thématiques importantes
organisée sous la houlette de @TdlTocnaye.
Une ambiance studieuse et amicale.
#iforel https://n.respublicae.eu/tdltocnaye/status/1675196101991833600
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Thibaut delaTocnaye: #Paris Formation #IFOREL «transversale»pour nos conseillers régionaux avec les interventions de nos députés français à l’#AN @ChudeauR (Le #Wokisme et la #Subversion à l’#Ecole) @sblanc66000 et au #PE @ThierryMARIANI @PhOlivierRN (La #Décroissance) https://t.co/Bzekbqlofg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PhOlivierRN/status/1675197203449511937
#iforel #Paris #AN #wokisme #subversion #ecole #PE #Décroissance
We have seen evolutions from CVS to #Subversion to #Git. Is this the endpoint? Did we find the holy grail? What evolutions are waiting for us? @hannotify, @ixchelruiz, @trisha_gee, @nuempe, and @frankdelporte on the Foojay :foojay: podcast!
#FreeBSD30 timeline - a few things that happened during these 30 #FreeBSD years:
#UNIX #BSD #MULTICS #1BSD #2BSD #42BSD #43BSD #386BSD #ipfw #FreeBSDCon #BSDCON #ports #jails #FreeBSDFoundation #kqueue #EuroBSDCon #CoreTeam #AsiaBSDCon #BSDCAN #pf #OpenBSD #ZFS #DTrace #VNET #Capsicum #Cheri #Poudriere #clang #llvm #subversion #OpenZFS #git
#freebsd30 #freebsd #unix #bsd #multics #1bsd #2bsd #42bsd #43bsd #386bsd #ipfw #freebsdcon #bsdcon #ports #jails #freebsdfoundation #kqueue #eurobsdcon #coreteam #asiabsdcon #bsdcan #pf #openbsd #zfs #dtrace #vnet #capsicum #cheri #poudriere #clang #llvm #subversion #openzfs #git #freebsdday
Preparing migration from #subversion to #git. Happy to finally getting rid of these #svn repositories.
Ich hatte das große vergnügen beim Schattenläufer @lordofthedices
im Interview sein zu dürfen. Wir haben ein bisschen über meinen AP PC #berlinbug geredet, und über #subversion, was das ist, und wie das mit @Polyfeder
zusammenhängt. Perfekt für chilling Sunday ✌️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuKf44F3xDY&t=2s
I'm struggling to understand why any #OpenSource project is still using #Subversion as its repository. I just want to maintain my own fork of some software that I use and occasionally submit patches to the maintainer. It's trivially easy with #git and absurdly complicated with Subversion.
git-svn is an option, but I've been watching "git svn clone" checking svn revisions for more than 20 minutes now with no end in sight. Ugh.
#SCM #SoftwareEngineering #dev #tech
#opensource #subversion #git #SCM #softwareengineering #dev #tech
I’ve been using git for about 10 years now, but i kind of enjoyed telling people I was, "Skilled in #Subversion.”