Cecilia | MeraOrd 🏕 · @meraord
1612 followers · 9021 posts · Server mastodonsweden.se

...do - or did - you use a when you're taking the subway or some other public way of transport? Do you feel you have to cover up to not get catcalled, harassed or assaulted?


Last updated 1 year ago

Cecilia | MeraOrd 🏕 · @meraord
1612 followers · 9019 posts · Server mastodonsweden.se

Just read about the hashtag , that seem to have originated in New York. A big, oversized, covering shirt that young girls put on to be able to ride with the subway to the club or party they're attending that evening. I used something similar myself when I was in my early 20s, usually a large cardigan that I could zip up to my neck - but it was also because the Swedish evenings are quite cold. I guess the situation for young women hasn't improved much since the late 90s/early 00s.


Last updated 1 year ago

Rolf Mecke · @RolfMecke
269 followers · 378 posts · Server dju.social

"Sich mit einem bedecken, um sich vor sexuellen Übergriffen in der zu schützen? Davon berichten Frauen auf TikTok. Ein Sexualforscher sieht die eigentlichen Probleme in „ und Männerdominanz“, er spricht von Täter-Opfer-Umkehr."👉
Text @Utopia

#subwayshirt #UBahn #Sexismus

Last updated 1 year ago