...do - or did - you use a #subwayshirt when you're taking the subway or some other public way of transport? Do you feel you have to cover up to not get catcalled, harassed or assaulted?
Just read about the hashtag #subwayshirt , that seem to have originated in New York. A big, oversized, covering shirt that young girls put on to be able to ride with the subway to the club or party they're attending that evening. I used something similar myself when I was in my early 20s, usually a large cardigan that I could zip up to my neck - but it was also because the Swedish evenings are quite cold. I guess the situation for young women hasn't improved much since the late 90s/early 00s.
"Sich mit einem #SubwayShirt bedecken, um sich vor sexuellen Übergriffen in der #UBahn zu schützen? Davon berichten Frauen auf TikTok. Ein Sexualforscher sieht die eigentlichen Probleme in „#Sexismus und Männerdominanz“, er spricht von Täter-Opfer-Umkehr."👉
Text @Utopia