Roughly, only 30% of businesses that started a decade ago will still be around now. That doesn't mean they all failed, but it does show the pathway to failure is never far away. Believing in manifesting success is about as clever as trench warfare (it wasn't pretty).
Amazon isn't a success story. It's a monopolization story getting in the way of small businesses.
That's the people being scolded into bootstrapping themselves. They won't get funding in initiatives because elite corporations like Amazon are in the way. The bootstrap is more of a money trap to strangle any remaining initiative out of people trying to climb a small business ladder. Employee'ism is too strong a drawcard. Professional employees are streaming over to the larger corporations.
Anti-monopolisation isn't working. Politicians are part of corporate infiltration and exfiltration. We can't tell if they're an employee of a broad corporate cartel or a representative of the public - probably not the public. People have locked in corporate propaganda and mindsets. It's a done deal for the majority. As bad as public employment as a mindset was, corporate employment as a mindset involves hostile outcomes.
During pro-public we imagined dying in mediocrity, taxes and red tape. Corporations will happily kill us for profit.
Sure, I could offer solutions, but the point is not to inhale this wealth doctrine influencer charade to punch down on failures.
Mastodon types don't need to hear this because they all seem far too intelligent. So please excuse the ranting.
But, if you're looking at success stories for how people made it rich, then you're most definitely cropping the bejeezus out of the underlying data. Everyone that tried to make it is supposed to be part of your detail. (30% of small businesses disappeared in the last five years).
And you might want to look into people that originally had no intention of making it, but then started banging on like that took a lot of determination.
What did my statistics and visualisations lecturer say? Misleading information, exaggerated graphs, cropped data, ... bunches of chicanery. Fascists and tyrants make the bad data disappear!
#successStories #bootstraps #billionaires