Aaron · @FWAaron
10 followers · 63 posts · Server social.coop

10/🧵So TL;DR I work with the best stewards. I intentional challenge them to bring their best and they rise to it. They help build our union's capacity to protect each other, and help prevent us from needing to appeal to management's mercy too much and I am so proud of what we're accomplishing

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
10 followers · 63 posts · Server social.coop

9/🧵A lot of the time informal problem solving, and addressing one person's need as smoothly as possible without making waves, so they can just do their job and live their life, is needed. And that often requires a "good relationship" with management/HR/Labor relations or what have you. And they will use and squeeze every bit out of that that they can.

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
10 followers · 63 posts · Server social.coop

8/🧵And I firmly believe that it is unhealthy to be in a position like chief steward for too long. I couldn't tell you what "too long" is and it varies, but there comes a point. Being in a position like this puts you too close to the employer.

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
10 followers · 63 posts · Server social.coop

7/🧵And perhaps more importantly, I'm not going to be a chief steward forever. I refuse. After a term or two I'm not going to run and I hope there is not just one but multiple capable folks able and willing to run for my position. So many union officer elections are uncontested, for various reasons. That's a disservice to our members.

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
10 followers · 63 posts · Server social.coop

6/🧵And providing a Steward for every worker who needs one is a big task. So we need lots of very capable badass stewards so we can show the employer if you mess up, or if you are trying to put someone on the street, yes, every single time we will make you do the work of defending your actions. So this is all super important for increasing our capacity

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
10 followers · 63 posts · Server social.coop

4/🧵I have had multiple stewards recently fully presenting cases to my union's arbitration review committee. In the past chief stewards have done this. They are handling cases from investigation all the way to preparing the arbitration file. Multiple stewards can do this. I know of union local's where ONLY the chief steward(s) even present grievances starting with the very first grievance steps they have

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
10 followers · 63 posts · Server social.coop

3/🧵 They know the space they're in. They know what micromanagement is. I'm not here for that. I'm here to support them through success AND mistakes. If they mess up we'll correct course, have their back, and move on. But they really need to just be shown and told that you can just go do it! However you want. You were approved as a Steward for a reason. And lately they have been SHINING through

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
10 followers · 63 posts · Server social.coop

2/🧵 A lot of the times this might look like telling them to sink or swim. But I PROMISE (and always promise them) it's not. It's stepping back and letting them have their room to do things their way. Workplaces are hostile by design. Especially when things aren't going 100% to (the employer's) plan, which is when stewards end up needing to be involved.

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @FWAaron
4 followers · 41 posts · Server social.coop

1/🧵 I'm a chief steward in my union local and we've been working all year on making our stewards feel confident and competent handling things on their own as far as they can. That increases our capacity and means we can load up on the employer and increase the cost to them of f*cking up by making sure they have to actually deal with it. Many hands make lighter work.

#unions #laborunions #stewards #leadership #successionplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Nemo_bis 🌈 · @nemobis
789 followers · 2790 posts · Server mamot.fr

@evan originally came to due to very basic failures such as "whoops, I've deleted all the data of millions of my users and my little project isn't fun any more, where do I dump it?".

See also @vmbrasseur on .

#centralisation #email #successionplanning #FediMeta

Last updated 2 years ago

gentlegardener · @gentlegardener
90 followers · 371 posts · Server mastodon.scot

@conradhackett @sociology However, most rural enterprises are stacked style on these lands, or can be with#rotationalgrazing for building in the . That rural and urban housing are same size approximately is interesting. Private family timberland and can be stacked on same acreage. And without family farm family timberland may shrink below corporate totals. gets its own plot, I see. where does go? ?

#riparianbuffers #rewilding #weyerhauser #successionplanning #cows #soil #carbon #permaculture

Last updated 2 years ago