I’ve spent the last fifteen minutes googling what I thought were the lyrics to a song and artist. Just as I was about to stroke-out, the google box saved me.
Good news! Constructive guidance on how to prevent an ecological catastrophe - but only if enough humans follow the scientific guidance (which they have not been doing historically)
A parable "You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make it drink".
The 'key' posts that are pinned on my home profile & my blog generally use the science of psychology & ecology, and my personal experience in regard to discussing environmental topics with adults - to detail the behavioral psychological, sociopolitical, and socioeconomic issues that are preventing humans from mitigating their ecologically degrading activities.
The epistemology to success is included in the following 'key' articles. Conversely, success means that failures must be addressed (rather than ignoring them due to cognitive dissonance).
If the 'key' general plans are not followed by a sufficient quantity of key decision-makers - climate heating will decimate our societies (it's only a matter of when not if)
1. Wannabe dictators need only apply (mentions evil agents) https://qoto.org/@empiricism/109436037494876506
2. The concerning behavioral psychology of ecocide & how to stop it. https://qoto.org/@empiricism/109467480926903109
3. psychology 101 - explained in layperson's terms. https://qoto.org/@empiricism/109451868659033738
4. (May cause denial) Health damaging behaviors. Not safe for children. https://qoto.org/@empiricism/109446137039667007
5. The unpleasant psychology of the Darkside. (Age advisory rating 15+ or with adult supervision) https://empiricalperspective.home.blog/2022/12/04/the-unpleasent-psychology-of-the-darkside-age-advisory-rating-15-or-with-adult-supervision/
6. Democracy for grownups (Justice!).https://empiricalperspective.home.blog/2022/10/17/democracy-for-grownups-i-e-civilized-people/
7. The nepotism of plutocracy. https://empiricalperspective.home.blog/2022/09/30/the-nepotism-of-plutocracy/
#ClimateChange #ClimateBomb #ClimateAction #climatejustice #science #nature #ClimateProtests #sucess #CircularEconomy #tech #food #ecology #EcologicalRestoration #flora #fauna #RenewableEnergy #wildlife #habitats #health #biosphere #forests #rivers #oceans #ecology #sustainabilty #CitizensAssembly #CircularEconomy
#ClimateHeating #heatwaves #droughts #famine #inhabitable #SpeciesExtinction #corporate #ecocide #politics #business #FossilFuels #WoodFuels #mining #pollution #corporations #money #greed #apathy #coruption #Greenwash #deception #AirPollution #dementia #cancer #diseases #RespiratoryDiseases #heartAttacks #strokes #plastic #pollution
#EvolutionaryBiology #Neuroscience #CogntivePsychology #SocialPsychology #DevelopmentalPsychology #Cognitive #dissonance #psychological #VirtueSignaling #heuristics #CognitiveDissonance
#organisms #plants #animals, #fungi #bacteria #mammals #HomoSapiens #evolution #NaturalSelection #SexualSelection #GeneticMutations #biology #biotic #NervousSystem
#SocialMedia #Twitter, #Facebook, #YouTube #Mastodon #abiotic #technologies
#WoodFuels #mining #pollution #plastic #CogntivePsychology #cognitivedissonance #animals #fungi #bacteria #mammals #homosapiens #evolution #naturalselection #money #greed #apathy #coruption #greenwash #deception #airpollution #dementia #cancer #diseases #respiratorydiseases #heartattacks #strokes #evolutionarybiology #neuroscience #socialpsychology #developmentalpsychology #cognitive #dissonance #psychological #virtuesignaling #heuristics #organisms #plants #sexualselection #geneticmutations #biology #biotic #nervoussystem #socialmedia #twitter #facebook #youtube #mastodon #abiotic #technologies #climatechange #climatebomb #climateaction #climatejustice #science #nature #climateprotests #sucess #circulareconomy #tech #food #ecology #ecologicalrestoration #flora #fauna #renewableenergy #wildlife #habitats #health #biosphere #forests #rivers #oceans #sustainabilty #citizensassembly #climateheating #heatwaves #droughts #famine #inhabitable #speciesextinction #corporate #ecocide #politics #business #fossilfuels #corporations
We *can* succeed to stop the human activities that are heating up the planet's #biosphere #ClimateHeating #ClimateChange
However, success is going to take many people that are trying to succeed (obviously)
"ecocide refers to the “devastation and destruction of the environment to the detriment of life,” https://earth.org/ecocide-should-be-a-crime-in-international-law/
The term "business as usual" (ecocide) means ecological degradation ("destruction", "pollution") that is currently associated with making money. Of course, that ecocide business model is obvious within the context of the extractive & polluting industries - such as the fossil fuel, mining, plastic, and woodfuel industries (etc, etc, etc)
In the following example, each stage emits more carbon dioxide & methane ("Greenhouse gases") into the planet's atmosphere & degrades the environment.
A summary of the ecocide 'business & lifestyles as a usual' ($) model:
1. They exploit (damage) a natural environment, for example, a forest or marine habitat, to extract fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil, gas) or wood fuel, or some other material (e.g., lithium) = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
2. They transport the fuel, using transport that burns more fuel, to be processed (e.g., oil refinery). = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
3. They transport the processed fuel \ product (e.g., diesel, petrol, wood, plastic, etc) to a consumer distribution hub (e.g., "petrol station", "shops"). = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
4. People purchase fuel \ products for their machines \ lifestyles and the machines burn the fuel, etc. = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
5. Another ecocidal business model & lifestyle is the animal industry ("meat industry") = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
Because these activities (1,2,3,4 & 5) are heating up the planet's biosphere - they are causing and will cause an ecological crisis that will last for thousands of years.
Unless that is - we change the business-as-usual ecocidal model. For example, a circular economy.
Failure to act, to stop the ecocidal business model will inevitably cause billions of people to perish. For instance, due to failures in the food systems #heatwaves #droughts, and #famine, the land is becoming more inhabitable. Species extinction rates are increasing. This means there will also be billions of climate refugees. Also, sea level rise, caused by climate heating - will displace the billions of people that live in coastal regions.
We can succeed to stop the human activities that are heating up the planet's #biosphere.
However, success is going to take many people that are trying to succeed (obviously).
Therefore, the fundamental problem is that there are many people that are ignorantly and or immorally failing to take responsibility for their ecocidal behaviors - such as fuel-burning and meat-eating activities.
But, talk about stating the obvious!
Another form of greenwash is climate virtue signaling. The adults say for example, "yes! we must do something about climate change". But, evidently, they don't seem to mean themselves (how odd? How common). Though to be fair, they do gullibly vote for the governments that greenwash them (& then carry on burning fuels and eating meat, etc)
Of course, the industries (corporations) and associated politicians are part of the ecocidal problem (why we are heading into more extreme climate events).
However, the number of people that genuinely want and are willing to do something about human-caused climate change is increasing.
Without getting into the psychology of why (ask if you want more details) - how we succeed is: https://rebellion.global/
1. Tell the truth.
Governments must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.
2. Act now.
Governments must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.
3. Go beyond politics.
Governments must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.
We pressure governments to be part of the solution rather than being the fundamental problem (for a change). Governments, that genuinely aim to sustain ecology, can make industries change their ecocidal business models.
For that to happen, we have to replace the ecocidal governments (management) with ecologically sustainable management.
#ClimateAction #ClimateProtests #sucess #nature #wildlife #habitats #forests #rivers #oceans #ecology #sustainabilty #CitizensAssembly #ClimateJustice #CircularEconomy
#ecocide #politics #business #FossilFuels #WoodFuels #mining #pollution #corporations #money #greed #apathy #coruption #Greenwash #deception
#climateheating #climatechange #climatejustice #fossilfuels #mining #greed #apathy #coruption #biosphere #heatwaves #droughts #famine #climateaction #climateprotests #sucess #nature #wildlife #habitats #forests #rivers #oceans #ecology #sustainabilty #citizensassembly #circulareconomy #ecocide #politics #business #WoodFuels #pollution #corporations #money #greenwash #deception
We *can* succeed to stop the human activities that are heating up the planet's #biosphere #ClimateHeating #ClimateChange
However, success is going to take many people that are trying to succeed (obviously)
"ecocide refers to the “devastation and destruction of the environment to the detriment of life,” https://earth.org/ecocide-should-be-a-crime-in-international-law/
The term "business as usual" (ecocide) means ecological degradation ("destruction", "pollution") that is currently associated with making money. Of course, that ecocide business model is obvious within the context of the extractive & polluting industries - such as the fossil fuel, mining, plastic, and woodfuel industries (etc, etc, etc)
In the following example, each stage emits more carbon dioxide & methane ("Greenhouse gases") into the planet's atmosphere & degrades the environment.
A summary of the ecocide 'business & lifestyles as a usual' ($) model:
1. They exploit (damage) a natural environment, for example, a forest or marine habitat, to extract fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil, gas) or wood fuel, or some other material (e.g., lithium) = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
2. They transport the fuel, using transport that burns more fuel, to be processed (e.g., oil refinery). = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
3. They transport the processed fuel \ product (e.g., diesel, petrol, wood, plastic, etc) to a consumer distribution hub (e.g., "petrol station", "shops"). = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
4. People purchase fuel \ products for their machines \ lifestyles and the machines burn the fuel, etc. = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
5. Another ecocidal business model & lifestyle is the animal industry ("meat industry") = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
Because these activities (1,2,3,4 & 5) are heating up the planet's biosphere - they are causing and will cause an ecological crisis that will last for thousands of years.
Unless that is - we change the business-as-usual ecocidal model. For example, a circular economy.
Failure to act, to stop the ecocidal business model will inevitably cause billions of people to perish. For instance, due to failures in the food systems #heatwaves #droughts, and #famine, the land is becoming more inhabitable. Species extinction rates are increasing. This means there will also be billions of climate refugees. Also, sea level rise, caused by climate heating - will displace the billions of people that live in coastal regions.
We can succeed to stop the human activities that are heating up the planet's #biosphere.
However, success is going to take many people that are trying to succeed (obviously).
Therefore, the fundamental problem is that there are many people that are ignorantly and or immorally failing to take responsibility for their ecocidal behaviors - such as fuel-burning and meat-eating activities.
But, talk about stating the obvious!
Another form of greenwash is climate virtue signaling. The adults say for example, "yes! we must do something about climate change". But, evidently, they don't seem to mean themselves (how odd? How common). Though to be fair, they do gullibly vote for the governments that greenwash them (& then carry on burning fuels and eating meat, etc)
Of course, the industries (corporations) and associated politicians are part of the ecocidal problem (why we are heading into more extreme climate events).
However, the number of people that genuinely want and are willing to do something about human-caused climate change is increasing.
Without getting into the psychology of why (ask if you want more details) - how we succeed is: https://rebellion.global/
1. Tell the truth.
Governments must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.
2. Act now.
Governments must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.
3. Go beyond politics.
Governments must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.
We pressure governments to be part of the solution rather than being the fundamental problem (for a change). Governments, that genuinely aim to sustain ecology, can make industries change their ecocidal business models.
For that to happen, we have to replace the ecocidal governments (management) with ecologically sustainable management.
#ClimateAction #ClimateProtests #sucess #nature #wildlife #habitats #forests #rivers #oceans #ecology #sustainabilty #CitizensAssembly #ClimateJustice #Circular Economy
#ecocide #politics #business #FossilFuels #WoodFuels #mining #pollution #corporations #money #greed #apathy #coruption #Greenwash #deception
#nature #wildlife #habitats #rivers #oceans #ecology #sustainabilty #citizensassembly #climatejustice #circular #ecocide #politics #business #fossilfuels #WoodFuels #mining #pollution #corporations #money #greed #apathy #coruption #greenwash #deception #forests #biosphere #climateheating #climatechange #heatwaves #droughts #famine #climateaction #climateprotests #sucess
We *can* succeed to stop the human activities that are heating up the planet's #biosphere #ClimateHeating #ClimateChange
However, success is going to take many people that are trying to succeed (obviously)
"ecocide refers to the “devastation and destruction of the environment to the detriment of life,” https://earth.org/ecocide-should-be-a-crime-in-international-law/
The term "business as usual" (ecocide) means ecological degradation ("destruction", "pollution") that is currently associated with making money. Of course, that ecocide business model is obvious within the context of the extractive & polluting industries & such as the fossil fuel, mining, plastic, and woodfuel industries (etc, etc, etc)
In the following example, each stage emits more carbon dioxide & methane ("Greenhouse gases") into the planet's atmosphere & degrades the environment.
A summary of the ecocide 'business & lifestyles as a usual' ($) model:
1. They exploit (damage) a natural environment, for example, a forest or marine habitat, to extract fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil, gas) or wood fuel, or some other material (e.g., lithium) = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
2. They transport the fuel, using transport that burns more fuel, to be processed (e.g., oil refinery). = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
3. They transport the processed fuel \ product (e.g., diesel, petrol, wood, plastic, etc) to a consumer distribution hub (e.g., "petrol station", "shops"). = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
4. People purchase fuel \ products for their machines \ lifestyles and the machines burn the fuel, etc. = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
5. Another ecocidal business model & lifestyle is the animal industry ("meat industry") = More Greenhouse gases are emitted = More climate heating.
Because these activities (1,2,3,4 & 5) are heating up the planet's biosphere - they are causing and will cause an ecological crisis that will last for thousands of years.
Failure to act, to stop the ecocidal business model will inevitably cause billions of people to perish. For instance, due to failures in the food systems #heatwaves #droughts, and #famine, the land is becoming more inhabitable. This means there will also be billions of climate refugees. Also, the sea level will displace the billions of people that live in coastal regions.
We can succeed to stop the human activities that are heating up the planet's #biosphere.
However, success is going to take many people that are trying to succeed (obviously).
Therefore, the fundamental problem is that there are many people that are ignorantly and or immorally failing to take responsibility for their ecocidal behaviors - such as fuel-burning and meat-eating activities.
But, talk about stating the obvious!
Another form of greenwash is climate virtue signaling. The adults say for example, "yes! we must do something about climate change". But, evidently, they don't seem to mean themselves (how odd? How common). Though to be fair, they do gullibly vote for the governments that greenwash them (& then carry on burning fuels and eating meat)
Of course, the industries (corporations) and associated politicians are part of the ecocidal problem (why we are heading into more extreme climate events).
However, the number of people that genuinely want and are willing to do something about human-caused climate change is increasing.
Without getting into the psychology of why (ask if you want more details) - how we succeed is: https://rebellion.global/
1. Tell the truth.
Governments must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.
2. Act now.
Governments must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.
3. Go beyond politics.
Governments must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.
We pressure governments to be part of the solution rather than being the fundamental problem. Governments, that genuinely aim to sustain ecology, can make industries change their ecocidal business models.
For that to happen, we have to replace the ecocidal governments (management) with ecologically sustainable management.
#ClimateAction #ClimateProtests #sucess #nature #wildlife #habitats #forests #rivers #oceans #ecology #sustainabilty #CitizensAssembly #ClimateJustice #Circular Economy
#ecocide #politics #business #FossilFuels #WoodFuels #mining #pollution #corporations #money #greed #apathy #coruption #Greenwash #deception
#climateprotests #sucess #wildlife #habitats #ecology #ecocide #business #fossilfuels #corporations #biosphere #climateaction #forests #rivers #oceans #citizensassembly #heatwaves #droughts #climateheating #climatechange #famine #nature #sustainabilty #climatejustice #circular #WoodFuels #mining #money #greed #apathy #politics #pollution #coruption #greenwash #deception