Grissallia 🏳️‍⚧️ · @grissallia
968 followers · 4864 posts · Server

August 10, 2023 - Day 222 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 242

Game: SuchART

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Aug 14, 2022
Library Date: Aug 4, 2023
Unplayed: 6d
Playtime: 1h44m

Game number six: SuchART.

I figured this might be the game where I sigh, and force myself to 15 minutes and write my little review.

Almost two hours later...

Conceptually, this game is much like Passpartout: The Starving Artist that really surprised me back in January.

Instead of a humble garage in Paris, you find yourself in a future where all art is created by robots, and realising the dead end of this, real live artists are being sponsored to create real art, with real paints and canvases...

...based on a space station.

It's a cute twist. You're supplied with everything required to make basic art, and you can paint commissions or just create paintings and sell them in the "marketplace" (no other players required).

My first commission was a request for a unicorn from my sister.

It was a very bad unicorn. She loved it. Of course.

You can pretty much grind out anything, and it will be accepted and loved by those who commissioned it.

White polar bear in a snowstorm doesn't cut it though.

You have to put *something* on the canvas.

I kept painting, and churning out crap to complete quests and level up. It was kind of fun, and a chill way to kill some time.

Then... I saw something. An idea. An actual idea. In fiddling around with the in-game tools, something unlocked, and I found myself frantically grabbing paints and rollers and brushes, and a water pistol filled with paint, and *creating*.

When I was done, I sat back in my chair, and just loved that thing I'd created.

SuchART is:

5: Excellent

#suchart #firstperson #art #simulation #humblechoice #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay

Last updated 1 year ago

K. Yagi · @kateyagi
56 followers · 453 posts · Server

Plant. Foliage even.

Made in

I changed the game's resolution settings, so that might've messed with it's colors a bit I dunno.
Also realized sending paintings converts them to jpeg, so if I want the texture as a png I gotta exit and copy it first.


Last updated 2 years ago

K. Yagi · @kateyagi
56 followers · 443 posts · Server

Jelly SuchArt

Made in

This one I made the pink background, then blobbed the general shape of her onto it with the roller bush, drew her outline in pink, then pinked the remainder like a gingerbread cookie.
This game makes me want to work with paint irl.


Last updated 2 years ago

K. Yagi · @kateyagi
56 followers · 442 posts · Server


Made in

Unlocked the gallery, where the lighting in game much more closely resembles the texture.

Also feh can be used to save a rotated version of an image. Nice.


Last updated 2 years ago

K. Yagi · @kateyagi
56 followers · 434 posts · Server

>Shades of yellow
"Woah where's these fish come from?"

Made in


Last updated 2 years ago

K. Yagi · @kateyagi
56 followers · 430 posts · Server


made in story mode


Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer =^.^= · @JennyFluff
622 followers · 17547 posts · Server

okay I enjoyed it until I ran out of enjoyable framerate because my place was such a mess and I couldn't find my cleaning tools


Last updated 3 years ago