Não será antes a homofobia o problema?
“LGBT ideology” responsible for child suicides, says Polish education minister
Das ist ein tragisches Thema. Aber auch eins, über das wir sprechen müssen, das wir nicht vergessen oder verharmlosen dürfen!
Ich habe mehr als einmal über #Selbstmord nachgedacht. Verschiedene Szenarien im Kopf gehabt. So was macht man nicht zum Spaß.
RT @NahidHa52017772
#sucide 😭😭😭😭
Viral Video #368
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I got suspended on the bird site when I spoke out about my suicide attempt but I feel like it's important to know that if you're feeling this way, you are not alone. I been having a rough time and one morning, I had enoigh and I was going to overdose on my pills but my cat looked at me funny and it made me laugh so I changed my mind. It's easy to think nobody cares when you feel all alone, but the fact is people do. I'm not healed, I may never be. But I have a choice. #mentalhealth #sucide #cats