@pallenberg @crymond @Impertinenzija
Leider nicht. Ich empfehle als Lektüre Rushkoff, "Survival of the Richest".
Das ist #longterminism, und der Tesla-Scam (genauso wie TruthGPT) finanziert nur das Mars-Projekt. Bei #Suckerberg ist das Meta, das die VR finanziert, bei anderen ist es der Upload oder Cryo. Alle sind nur vom Ende der Menschheit auf der Erde überzeuigt, machen damit Geld um ihre virtuellen Bunker zu finanzieren.
...@Gargron .
#Meta and #Suckerberg don't do anything just for fun. They don't do shit for the greater good. They do it with a very clear strategy in mind. That is either profit maximization or by appropriating and flawing an idea early on ("embrace, extend and extinguish" https://mastodon.opalium.net/@opalium/110655698435888129).
For me Threads is the single most dangerous development for the Fediverse.
I will for now unfollow anybody that is advertising it's use and also will regularly check if people following me have moved to the Threads instance. Sorry but I have to be very consequent and radical here.
#fediverse #zuckerberg #facebook #threads #threadsathreat #suckerberg #meta
@afterdawn nähtyään #facebook räpellyksen ja kuinka paljon he ovat #Suckerberg päätöksen mukaan polttaneet rahaa ja sitten verranneet omaan bugikasan aikaansaannokseen he päättivät :
I'm still on #Instagram 🤔
Now they try to kick me out. Without any reason they suspended my account.
To prove that I am me, I have to:
- enter my mobile number
- receive a code
- write that code down on a blank piece of paper
- hold that paper up next to my face
- take a selfie (sweet: they give recommandations how to make a selfie)
- upload this #mugshot
- wait patiently until they check my #identity and let me in again.
I'm partially #disabled, this procedure is a #PainInTheAss and absolutely annoying.
The #fediverse is no viable #alternative to the #suckerberg #metaverse yet, because I have quite a lot of contacts I'd loose. (I'm a #photographer ).So I nedd to run a #ParallelAccount. Looking forward to leave this #CorporateHellhole.
#corporatehellhole #parallelaccount #photographer #metaverse #suckerberg #alternative #fediverse #painintheass #disabled #identity #Mugshot #instagram
Der Lacher des Tages.
Ich darf bei "MetaPfahl" erstmal nichts mehr posten. Die #Suckerberg-Dikatur findet meinen geposteten #Pornofilm nicht okay und ich verstoße damit gegen deren "geisteskranke Gesinnung"!
Leider weiß ich nicht, was genau jetzt das Problem ist...Lebensfreunde, Regen oder die nette Frau in dem Video 🤔
Ich trööte die skandalöse nackte Frau mal mit.
The darkest future we can imagine...
#Privacy #softwarefreedom #personaldata #metaverse #suckerberg #future #fosserytech
#fosserytech #future #suckerberg #metaverse #personaldata #softwarefreedom #Privacy