For additional background of what the dam means to Ethiopians, here's a story of how farmers in rural Ethiopian villages with no power or roads, feel about the dam and their futures. At the time, Egyptian billionaire telecommunications mogul Naguib Sawiris had made headlines for tweeting "that if Ethiopia doesn’t come to reason , we the Egyptian people will be the first to call for war."
Appreciate your interest and civility!
#Sudan #Ethiopia #Egypt
#BBCNews - #Sudan conflict: Dozens killed in attack on #Khartoum market, medics say
battle · drone · sudan · troops,cd_min:9/10/2023,cd_max:9/12/2023
#news #drone #sudan
More than 4,000 people have died in nearly five months of violence in #Sudan, the latest of which involved a drone attack on an open market Sunday that killed 46 people and wounded 55, activists and war monitors say. #News #Africa
🔷 #Sudán
Una ofensiva con drones dejó al menos 43 muertos y cerca de 55 heridos en Jartúm, la capital de Sudán. El atentado se produce en el marco del conflicto desatado entre las fuerzas armadas y las «Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido», la principal organización paramilitar del país africano. Hasta el momento se desconoce la autoría de la agresión.
Iniciado a mediados de abril, el conflicto ha dejado más de 4.000 muertos, según estima la ONU.
TheGuardian: At least 40 civilians killed in airstrike on Khartoum market in Sudan #MiddleEastandnorthAfrica #Worldnews #Africa #Sudan
#middleeastandnorthafrica #worldnews #africa #sudan
De Sudanese hoofdstad Khartoem is weer getroffen door een luchtaanval. Op een markt in het zuiden van de hoofdstad zijn volgens een lokale eerstehulppost minstens veertig mensen omgekomen; het zou gaan om het hoogste dodental bij één aanval sinds de oorlog in april begon.
De oorlog gaat gepaard met een grote humanitaire crisis.
#Sudan’s army chief meets #Qatar leader in diplomatic push #Africa #News
On a visit to the town of #Adre in #Chad on the border w/Sudan, #LindaThomasGreenfield, a member of President Joe #Biden's cabinet, announced high-profile #sanctions targeting the deputy leader of #Sudan's paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (#RSF) - & brother of the RSF commander - over #HumanRights #abuses.
#adre #chad #lindathomasgreenfield #biden #sanctions #sudan #rsf #humanrights #abuses #ethniccleansing #sexualviolence
The U.S. envoy to the #UnitedNations met Sudanese #refugees fleeing #EthnicCleansing & #SexualViolence on Wed & said the #UnitedStates would "do everything in our power to prevent & respond to mass #atrocities" in #Sudan's war.
#LindaThomasGreenfield #Biden #sanctions #RSF #HumanRights #abuse
#unitednations #refugees #ethniccleansing #sexualviolence #unitedstates #atrocities #sudan #lindathomasgreenfield #biden #sanctions #rsf #humanrights #abuse
Il nuovo disordine mondiale / 21: un’invenzione coloniale (in via di disgregazione) #Cronachedelpre-bomba #modellooccidentale #movimentijihadisti #Jean-LoupAmselle #razzializzazione #GuerrainUcraina #crisiamericana #etnicizzazione #colinialismo #Afghanistan #Recensioni #MarcoAime #Occidente #Francia #Khartum #Africa #Gabon #Islam #Kabul #mahdi #Niger #Sahel #Sudan #Mali
#Cronachedelpre #modellooccidentale #movimentijihadisti #jean #razzializzazione #guerrainUcraina #crisiamericana #etnicizzazione #colinialismo #afghanistan #recensioni #Marcoaime #occidente #francia #khartum #africa #gabon #islam #kabul #mahdi #niger #sahel #sudan #mali
"About 25,000 African #asylum seekers live in #Israel, mainly from #Sudan and #Eritrea, who say they fled conflict or repression.
The country has tried a variety of tactics to force them out, including sending some to a remote prison, holding part of their wages until after they agree to leave Israel, or offering cash payments to those who agree to move to another country, somewhere in #Africa".
#asylum #israel #sudan #eritrea #africa
US Treasury #OFAC sanctions Abdelrahim Hamdan Dagalofor his leadership of the RSF in #Sudan, "an entity whose members have engaged in acts of violence and human rights abuses, including the massacre of civilians, ethnic killings, and use of sexual violence."
TheGuardian: Humanitarian crisis as 5m displaced by civil war in Sudan #Worldnews #Refugees #Africa #Sudan
#worldnews #refugees #africa #sudan
Dissemination webinar Sept. 18: Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey 2022 .The event will provide an opportunity to introduce the publicly available data, outlining the design of the survey, topics covered by this multi-purpose household survey, and the complexities of the sampling. A discussion by experts from the research and policymaking communities will follow on the key findings on the structure of the labor force in Sudan. Register #Sudan #labor @laborecon #MENA
TheGuardian: Sudan war crime trial of former oil firm executives starts in Sweden #MiddleEastandnorthAfrica #Worldnews #Warcrimes #Sweden #Africa #Europe #Sudan
#middleeastandnorthafrica #worldnews #warcrimes #sweden #africa #europe #sudan
Into corporate accountability? Check out this #Lundin #podcast series produced by PAX & Global Idé. It follows the criminal trial in which two executives of a Swedish oil company will be tried for aiding/abetting war crimes committed in #Sudan. (...) The company is also charged for profiting from war crimes in (...) #SouthSudan During the period the company was active 200,000 people were forced to leave their homes and 12,000 people were killed.
#bizhumanrights @pil
#Lundin #podcast #sudan #southsudan #bizhumanrights