Work continues to progress on a #soccer supporters group together for Sudbury.
I've added a but more of an explanation on what a supporters' group is about and some additional links from the front page at Crater's Edge.
I've also finally added the site to the fediverse ( @topuser ).
Soccer fans in #Canada, please boost. For #Sudbury locals, send me a message using the contact form on the site:
#soccer #canada #sudbury #mastodonfc
While I wait for things to be official, it's time to get started putting a #soccer supporters group together for Sudbury.
I've begun to put together a pocket site for the group at Crater's Edge.
If you're a soccer fan in #Canada, please boost. If you're in #Sudbury and want to be part of building local momentum, send me a message using the contact form on the site:
#soccer #canada #sudbury #mastodonfc
So, I'm not allowed to say much, but a certain application was submitted in April, and approval is expected in August for a local team here in a soon-to-be-split #soccer league.
Now, I need to try to bring together some local folks interested in helping get a supporters' group off the ground.
Also, is anyone here from #Sudbury #Canada interested in soccer who wants to get involved?
News -- Sol De Mexico to open in the former Acapulcos space in Sudbury.
Clare Walkers have published a new book entitled “Fifteen walks around Clare: exploring West Suffolk and North Essex”.
The book contain directions, points of interest and OS mapping for each walk, as well as information about Clare, including a timeline of the town’s amazing 1,000+ year history.
It also contains lots of illustrations with over 80 photographs available at from
#WalkersAreWelcome #Clare #Essex #Suffolk #WalkingBook #Wellbeing #MagnaCarta #Sudbury
#walkersarewelcome #Clare #Essex #Suffolk #walkingbook #wellbeing #magnacarta #sudbury
4 young #kittens got stuck in a void between a wall and a bathroom floor in #Sudbury #Suffolk, and were rescued by the Fire Brigade 🚒 🐈
So-called "freedom convoy" types harassed striking #PSAC members at the #Sudbury Taxation office.
This is the true fascist face of the convoy movement.
#cdnpoli #generalstrike #labour #labor #workersrights #sudbury #psac
Emerging #Indigenous #Artist accused of #Plagiarism. Indigenous #Artists allege #TylerRushnell plagiarized their work, including #Art featured by #TorontoMapleLeafs #TorontoRaptors #IndigenousArtist #IndigenousArtists #WoodlandArt #IndigenousArt #FirstNation #AutumnSmith #MagnetawanFirstNation #Sudbury #NorthernOntario #JoshuaPawisSteckley #WasauksingFirstNation
#wasauksingfirstnation #joshuapawissteckley #NorthernOntario #sudbury #magnetawanfirstnation #autumnsmith #firstnation #Indigenousart #woodlandart #indigenousartists #indigenousartist #torontoraptors #torontomapleleafs #art #tylerrushnell #artists #plagiarism #artist #indigenous
This #Sudbury, #Ontario #Artist has #Autism and is #NonVerbal, but that hasn't stopped him.
#Art #Creativity North Bay, #Noëlville #Hawkesbury #NorthernOntario #Nature #Canada
#canada #nature #NorthernOntario #hawkesbury #noelville #creativity #art #nonverbal #autism #artist #ontario #sudbury
I found a Cell phone on Regent street by the bus stop by Arnold st.
Please call me on the phone and we can make arrangements to get it back to you
Tonight 3/2, at 6:00pm, #MassDOT will hold a virtual design public hearing to present the design for the proposed Rail-to-Trail project in #Sudbury #Wayland. Register and submit public comment and questions:
On 3/2, at 6:00pm, #MassDOT will hold a virtual design public hearing to present the design for the proposed Rail-to-Trail project in #Sudbury #Wayland. Register and submit public comment and questions:
Hi folks. My 6th grader is interested in attending a #sudbury school. As someone who did really well in traditional model education, I was a bit skeptical, but I think it may actually be a good fit for him. I'd love to hear any experiences from #sudburymodel students, parents, staff, employers of alumni, etc. Also, if anyone has info on #diablovalleyschool in Concord, I'm all ears.
#sudbury #sudburymodel #diablovalleyschool
Saw the fucko brigade again in #sudbury today. Looks like someone's been shopping, So many new flags you almost forget that there's only a dozen folks left at their weekly clownvoy jamoboris #FluTruxKlan
Tonight, 1/19, at 6pm, #MassDOT will hold a virtual design public hearing to present the design for the proposed ADA Retrofits project in District 3 in #Leominster #Sudbury #Framingham #Worcester #Milford #Northbridge #Millville More info:
#massdot #leominster #sudbury #framingham #worcester #milford #northbridge #millville
Doggo wanted to act in school play in #Sudbury , #Suffolk
Ok! Here's a poster for the play -- with updated dates. Come watch Roman men be villainous to priestesses and bring down the Republic! #Sudbury #ClassicalReception