THE END - Teil IX von IX

Ich erfüllte meinen Auftrag, auf die mir zustehende Art.
Aber das zählt nicht mehr.
In diesem Augenblick bin ich zurück in meiner Kindheit.
Wir spielen Fußball.
Ich schieße ein Tor.
Aber dann sind alle Spuren im Schnee verschwunden.
Ich bin allein.

Die Suche nach der Spionin IX - Ende

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

I fulfilled my mission, in my own way.
But all this no longer counts.
I am back in my childhood.
We are playing soccer.
I score a goal.
But all at once our traces vanished in the snow.
I am alone.

The search for the spy IX - The End

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin #tobecontinued #story #tlr #wulkowbeilebus #schnee #snow #winter #tor #theend #ende

Last updated 2 years ago


Ich war zu spät.
Die Krankenschwester teilte mir mit, was sie ausrichten solle.
Dass Staat und Dienstherr auf der Landkarte nicht zu finden seien.
Es an mir sei, den Auftrag auf meine Weise zu erfüllen.
Verlegen flüsterte sie mir den Code ins Ohr.

Die Suche nach der Spionin VIII

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

I was too late.
The nurse told me what she had been aligned to.
That the state and the superior authority were not to be found on a map.
It was up to me to fulfill the mission in my own way.
Abashed, she whispered the code in my ear.

The search for the spy VIII

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin #tobecontinued #story #tlr #magnolia #prenzlauerberg #berlin

Last updated 2 years ago

ich einen weiteren Anruf.
Sie war es.
Sie bat mich zu kommen, sie sei in einem Krankenhaus und schwer verletzt.
Ich verlor keine Zeit.
Ich raste und verursachte beinahe einen schweren Unfall.

Aus: Die Suche nach der Spionin

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

I received another call.
It was her.
She asked me to come, she was in a hospital and badly injured.
I wasted no time.
I rushed and almost caused a serious accident.

From: The search for the spy

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin #tobecontinued #story #Landstraße #regen #rain #countryside #wulkowbeilebus #bw #blackandwhite #tlr

Last updated 2 years ago

An einem Tag erhielt ich einen Anruf mit ihrer Stimme.
Sie sagte, dass ich einen bestimmten Ort aufsuchen solle. Sie sei dort.
Angekommen fand ich eine Skulptur. Ich war sicher, dass sie die Spionin darstellte.
Aber was wollte sie mir damit sagen.

Aus: Die Suche nach der Spionin

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

One day I received a call of her voice.
She told me to go to a certain place. She would be there.
When I arrived, I found a sculpture. I was sure it represented the spy.
But what was she trying to tell me.

From: The search for the spy

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin #tobecontinued #story #weinbergspark #berlin #mucchi #Schwimmerin #sculpture

Last updated 2 years ago


Ein anonymer Brief enthielt die Behauptung, dass in diesem Gebäude geheime Treffen stattfanden, bei denen ein Plan zur Übernahme der Stadt verfolgt wurde. Der Brief behauptete auch, dass die Spionin daran beteiligt sei.
Aber dies schien mir suspekt. Ich konnte dies nicht mit der Stimme des jungen Mädchens in Übereinstimmung bringen.

Die Suche nach der Spionin V

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

An anonymous letter indicated the allegation that secret meetings were held in the building to take over the city. The letter also claimed that the spy was involved in the plan.
But I was more than sceptical. I could not relate this to the voice of the young girl.

The search for the spy V

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin #tobecontinued #story #brandmauer #gesundbrunnen #conspiracy #verschworung #secretmeeting #anonymous #anonym #takeover

Last updated 2 years ago

Das junge Mädchen klagte mir ihren Liebeskummer.
Ich wusste nicht, warum sie mir vertraute.
Ich erschrak, weil ihre Stimme beinahe so klang wie ich mir die Stimme der Spionin vorgestellt hatte. Nur verjüngt.
Von einem Marillenbaum brach ich dem Mädchen einen Zweig mit Blüten ab.
Dann war sie verschwunden.

Die Suche nach der Spionin IV

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

A young girl poured her broken heart out to me.
I did not know why I earned her trust.
I was startled because her voice sounded almost like the one, I had imagined for the spy. Just a younger version of it.
From an apricot tree I broke off a branch full of blossoms for her.
Then she was gone.

The search for the spy IV

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin #tobecontinued #story #Bloom #blute #Pankow #heartbreak #liebeskummer #apricot #marille

Last updated 2 years ago


Ich kam mit der Suche nicht weiter.
Nachts träumte ich von einem offenen leeren Feld im Regen. Ich ging und ging und nichts um mich herum änderte sich.
Aufgewacht, änderte sich mein Gefühl ebenfalls nicht.
Weder Wirklichkeit noch Schlaf halfen mir.
Ich musste einen neuen Ermittlungsansatz finden.

Die Suche nach der Spionin III

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

I did not get very far with the search.
At night I dreamed of a wide and vacant field in the rain. I walked and walked around, and nothing ever changed.
Waking up, my feelings lingered, too.
Neither reality nor sleep had helped me.
I had to find a new investigative approach.

The search for the spy III

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #berlin #prenzlauerberg #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin #tobecontinued #Acker #Feld #field #acre #bw

Last updated 2 years ago


Ich begab mich an einen weiteren Ort, den mein Vorgänger als Treffpunkt vorgeschlagen hatte.
Auch hier war sie nicht erschienen. Ich suchte den Ort nach Spuren ab, aber er war zu verwildert.
Ich wunderte mich, dass nur ein Stuhl platziert worden war.

Die Suche nach der Spionin II

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

I went to another place that my predecessor had suggested for a meeting.
Here, too, she had not appeared. I searched the place for traces, but the ground was overgrown.
I wondered why only one chair had been placed.

The search for the spy II

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #berlin #prenzlauerberg #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin #tobecontinued

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihr Vater war Spion.
Seiner Tochter hatte er sich erst auf dem Sterbebett offenbart. Er sagte ihr, dass Staat und Dienstherr auf der Landkarte nicht zu finden seien und riet ihr, einen eigenen Weg zu suchen, den Auftrag zu erfüllen. Dann flüsterte er ihr den geheimen Code ins Ohr.
Dies alles ergab sich aus einer Aktennotiz meines verstorbenen Vorgängers.
Zu einem Treffen, das er kurz vor seinem Tod arrangiert hatte, erschien sie nicht.
Somit musste ich die Suche von Neuem beginnen.

Die Suche nach der Spionin, Teil I

Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

Her father was a spy.
He had made the confession on his deathbed. He told his daughter that the state and the superior authority could not be found on a map and advised her to find her own way to fulfill the mission. Then he whispered the secret code in her ear.
All this is due to a memorandum of my late predecessor.
She did not show up for a meeting he had arranged shortly before his death.
I had to start the search all over again.

The search for the spy, Chapter I

Shot with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #analog #analogphotography #argentique #berlin #prenzlauerberg #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #spy #spionin

Last updated 2 years ago

„Ich bin der Astronaut, der auf Geheiß der Menschheit als Erster die schwarze Leere betrat“, sagte der Mann. „Heute denke ich, dass die Menschheit nur ihr Spiegelbild sehen wollte, mehr nicht. Ich dagegen wollte den Spiegel zerbrechen.“
Ich glaubte zu sehen, dass der Mann sich einen Millimeter bewegte, aber vielleicht war ich das auch nur selbst.

Berichte eines Astronauten

Unbenannt, Margret Midell, Aufgenommen mit Yashica-A

"I am the astronaut who first entered the black void at the behest of humanity," the man said. "Today I think that humanity only wanted to see itself in the mirror, nothing more. I, on the other hand, wanted to break the mirror."
I thought I saw the man move a millimeter, but maybe that was just me.

Reports of an astronaut

Untitled, Margret Midell, Taken with Yashica-A

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #yashica #bw #analog #analogphotography #argentique #berlin #prenzlauerberg #astronaut #sciencefiction #Kosmonaut #shortfiction #suddenfiction #flashfiction #sculpture

Last updated 2 years ago

Ich war ein Betrunkener im Treppenhaus.
Das Licht war dumpf und schön.
Auf allen Klingelschildern standen nur seltsame Allerweltsnamen.
Ich war zu Hause.

Tagebuch eines Fremden

I was a drunk in the stairwell.
The light was dull and beautiful.
On all the doorbell signs were just weird everyday names.
I was at home.

Diary of a stranger

#zweifel #kunst #Glaube #doubt #art #belief #berlin #diary #Tagebuch #Pankow #stairwell #Treppenhaus #flashfiction #suddenfiction #Polaroid #window #jugendstil #weird

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
129 followers · 400 posts · Server

Well, oh my. It's a shock sometimes when you think you can write a story and you get a stilted mess. Just a bit rattled.

Trying to do a @Michaelvaliant prompt ( Sudden fiction (<750 words) is too short for me. Definitely rewriting it to twice length that and posting a link to my webpage instead...

#writinglife #writing #suddenfiction #flashfiction #promptodon

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
121 followers · 344 posts · Server

@JoeChip Thank you. Well, you are in luck! Hot off the press is, as it were, is another :


#excerpt #flashfiction #suddenfiction #fiction

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
121 followers · 344 posts · Server

@Michaelvaliant Wild Encounter by RS

This was me living again. Sandals slapping heels on a forest path, the humidity steaming up from the ground as eveningshine approached, a map in hand guiding my way, and a backpack with a tarp weighing on my shoulders. I liked darkness and gloom; my room as a child had been a grey wonder of silence that made reading my books all day a joy. My world had become green in these last few days, and fragrantly pine-scented. Rabbits skittered through the underbrush. Dirt ground into my sweaty skin reassured me. Not having to care felt like paradise.

I saw the doe and fawn first, and they didn't look happy. The mother stared into the distance, then whirled her head to glance at me. I saw her body tense, before she nosed her fawn, seemingly to say, "The wolves, the wolves!"

They bounded off. At a tangent. I'd caught them between...

Needles rustled and I saw light peek through branches.

That direction.

Thaumlight! It had a sparkle to it only someone like me could detect. It wasn't electroluminescent or bioluminescent, or firelight. I mustn't be far enough from the city after all.

I removed my sandals. The leaf litter caressed my feet and proved I'd built up sufficient calluses as I crept forward into the warm dusky world. It wasn't my world, and usually not that of people either. The Wild claimed the wild areas between the cities and the farms as their own, and they didn't like incursions in their unblemished fair demesne. People who passed through respectfully never saw the capital-F Fawn, the Wood-horned. Those that trespassed—

Well, people did disappear. When I'd run away, certainly some people assumed I'd be one of those, but the broadsheets said I'd been kidnapped.

As I padded along, with hushed crinkles and mashing sounds, the shadows and the ghostly forms resolved from glimpses to a tall thin structure with a pointy bark-shingled roof. I saw a cold chimney almost as I scented last night's hearth. My heart beat faster as it all felt wrong. I glanced at the map. I'd paid well for it from a traveler with a rep. I saw no settlement, no indication of a border with the Wild near here.

Closer, the forest veil slid to reveal: Plastered and cracked walls. Wood frame real-glass windows heavily varnished, but dark with age and constant repair. Despite the growing gloom, the three windows glowed with thaumlight.



Someone like me might live there, but in this danger?

Between where I'd stood before and the house, a form moved. A branch cracked. A young man—no, a teenager maybe slightly younger than I.

In the shadows melting into the trees behind him, a glint. It was too far, but I knew those were caramel eyes, looking my way. At first I thought a tree moved, but I saw wood move as she tilted her head. On a deer's, that would be a rack of possibly six points. On her?

Maybe I didn't understand anything about the Wild. Less about one of my kind living amongst them, though intuition said it wasn't bad.

I bowed my head in her gaze and didn't look further. I didn't want to be invited in. I had left the cities of the northeast to disappear, but not in a wild sense. Circumstance had led me to be crowned to lead the syndicate after I'd been responsible for its director's death (not that anyone understood she'd become too stupid to live). The conservative faction would eventually kill me. Those I helped flourish with my advice would die protecting me. I'd done my utmost to calm the conflicts that caused the war, before ghosting the organization.

I wanted to leave no traces of my passage that pursuers might discover. I needed to "disappear" for months on my way to Home City. I didn't need the guilt of more innocent deaths to add to my personal tally.

I dropped my sandals with a measured slap to show I wasn't hiding, and quickly marched away from the welcome light. I liked the gloom, and the humid heat, and was happy to sleep where no one would suffer because I existed.

Could be an from my WIP.

#excerpt #flashfiction #suddenfiction #1st #shortfiction #fiction #sff #fantasy #writingcommunity #writingprompt #promptodon #boostingissharing

Last updated 2 years ago