Guten Morgen, irgendwie jetzt schon heiß.
#suedensocial #nordensocial #picasso
#suedensocial #nordensocial #mastodon #BlackMastodon
Guten Morgen
Good morning
Damian Marley
Spreak life
#suedensocial #nordensocial #mastodon #BlackMastodon #songoftheday
#nordensocial #suedensocial #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter #indianmastodon #dgar #egyptianaphorist
Guten Morgen
Good morning
Damian Marley
My sweet lord
#nordensocial #suedensocial #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter #indianmastodon #dgar #egyptianaphorist #songoftheday
#nordensocial #suedensocial #chaossocial #TroetCafe #BerlinNeukölln
Guten Morgen
Sisters of Mercy
First and last and always
#nordensocial #suedensocial #chaossocial #TroetCafe #berlinneukolln #songoftheday
Guten Morgen #nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe
#nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe
It is now important to Mantra that the 1930ies where then, now we have another time, we are all building the future every moment, dont do myths, dont do backloops. Now is the time to: Not being afraid, let us stand united, we are all fighting and Loving and aiming for the same: Survival of us as a species and the whole Planet, which we mistreated .
#nordensocial #suedensocial #mastodon #dgar #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter
And read:
And hear:
#nordensocial #suedensocial #mastodon #dgar #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter
#nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe #dgar
And for me yesterday new:
Und für mich gestern neu:
#nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe #dgar #LieddesTages #songoftheday #renmakesmusic
#nordensocial #suedensocial #dgar #TroetCafe #trans
Song of the day
Lied des Tages
Cover better as the original
#nordensocial #suedensocial #dgar #TroetCafe #trans
#fediverse #nordensocial #suedensocial #trans #transgender #BlackMastodon #chaos
#songoftheday #SongOfTheWeek #LieddesTages
Guten Morgen
Good morning
2 Sachen, die mir Mut machen
2things, who help me stay courageous
Newen Afrobeat feat. Seun Kuti & Cheick Tidiane Seck - Opposite
#fediverse #nordensocial #suedensocial #trans #transgender #BlackMastodon #chaos #songoftheday #SongOfTheWeek #LieddesTages
#fediverse #nordensocial #suedensocial #trans #blackmastodon #blacklivesmatter #aussocial #musicians
Tagesmotto: #Wut ist keine Tugend
Motto of the day: #RageisnotaVirtue
Let us all walk through the day hopefully singing
Lasst uns alle durch diesen Tag hoffnungsvoll singend gehen
Mahalia Jackson. We shall overcome
#fediverse #nordensocial #suedensocial #trans #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter #aussocial #musicians #wut #rageisnotavirtue
Und jetzt zum sportlichen Teil:
Crying at the Discoteque
Bitte achtet auf die Adlerperson.....
#nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe #transdayofvisibility #DaftPunk 💚🌈🐍🍀🦈🏳️🌈
#nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe #transdayofvisibility #DaftPunk
#stonehenge #suedensocial #nordensocial #transdayofvisibility #berlinso36 #BerlinNeukölln #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter #aussocial
Guten Morgen
Good morning
May we all travel through the day unharmed
Mögen wir alle durch diesen Tag unbeschadet reisen
#stonehenge #suedensocial #nordensocial #transdayofvisibility #berlinso36 #berlinneukolln #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter #aussocial
#fediverse #songoftheday #suedensocial #nordensocial #music #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter #trans
Good morning
Guten Morgen
#fediverse #songoftheday #suedensocial #nordensocial #music #BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter #trans
#fediverse #nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe #zen
Guten Morgen
Good morning
Mögen wir auch diesen Tag couragiert erleben
May we walk with courage through this day
#fediverse #nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe #zen #songoftheday #LieddesTages
Guten Morgen, krank aus Berlin, ich hoffe, der Tag ist zu uns allen freundlich.
#nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe
#nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe #fediverse Gute Nacht, good night, schlaft alle gut, sleep well, morgen beginnt ein neuer Tag, tomorrow begins a new day.
#nordensocial #suedensocial #TroetCafe #fediverse
#nordensocial #suedensocial #fediverse #TroetCafe #kolektivaSocial
#songoftheevening #LieddesAbends
#nordensocial #suedensocial #fediverse #TroetCafe #kolektivasocial #songoftheevening #lieddesabends