@interru You can thank assholes that abuse every #Filehoster and a #SueHappy #Copyrightmafia for that...
Seriously, the former one killed #AnonFiles and the latter one is why they only want to allow-list access to their upload function...
#anonfiles #copyrightmafia #suehappy #Filehoster
@phil_lewis_ not the parents get fined or what?
What's next??
People eing able to sue gun manufacturers and not the grossly neglective owners and/or users???
That's kinda the #sueHappy bs.
@WIRED #SueHappy won't change the core issue that you do partake in:
#PropagandaOfTheDeed rewards #StochasticTerrorism:
Also manufacturers are not at fault for abuse of their products, otherwise car companies would be out of business as they could be sued for every drive-by shooting or kidnapping.
Or every cooking appliance manufacturer would get sued for people burning themselves...
#stochasticterrorism #propagandaofthedeed #suehappy