I knew that the Panama Canal was dependant on Fresh Water from a large lake in southern Panama, so no big surprise that since Panama is having a major drought this year, traffic through the Canal has been impacted(1).
But did you know the Suez Canal depends on Fresh water too!? In the literal middle of a desert. For some reason, this blew my mind. It's also, obviously, not doing well with drought and increased demand on precious water(2).
It seems the two major world “shortcuts" for our shipping networks are in a bit of a pickle. Who could have predicted this? Your stuff on the Slow Boat from China might be taking a little longer. Or perhaps we should re-localize our production?
And decarbonizing RFN all those factories and ships would be good too. Also, clean electrification of trans-continental railways seems good. We have the answers. We know what to do. Do it.
#climatechange #climateCrisis #ScientistsKnow #ExxonKnew #EndFossilFuels #localization #Transition #Shipping #Suez #PanamaCanal
(1) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a-severe-drought-is-affecting-the-panama-canal-that-s-not-a-good-sign-for-supply-chains-or-your-holiday-shopping/ar-AA1fO5Vp
(2) https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/historic-drought-hot-seas-slow-panama-canal-shipping-2023-08-21/
#climatechange #climatecrisis #scientistsknow #exxonknew #endfossilfuels #localization #transition #shipping #suez #panamacanal
#India’s presence in the #Suez Canal Economic Zone will be a welcome development and help the #Mediterranean region, said Anat Bernstein-Reich, head of the India-Israel Chamber of Commerce a day before #PMModi is expected to reach Cairo
#india #suez #mediterranean #pmmodi #press
In my lifetime there have been seventeen prime ministers of the #UK. Five went to Eton - only one of them was up to the job - namely Harold Macmillan - although Home might have grown into it in time. The others gave us #brexit, #partygate and #Suez !
Henry the Sixth has a lot to answer for!
Egypte zet sleepboten in voor tanker 'Seavigour' met pech in Suezkanaal [+foto's]
#SuezCanal #suez #suezkanaal #seavigour
Boat briefly stuck in Suez Canal is freed. A pity.
Here’s Charmaine Chua on the heroic Ever Given: https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/the-ever-given-and-the-monstrosity-of-maritime-capitalism/
#shipping #capitalism #evergiven #suez
#Suez #Stuck #Evergiven #MarkDeux
Ship grounded in Egypt's Suez Canal - one of world's busiest shipping routes | World News | Sky News
#markdeux #evergiven #stuck #suez
Convoy through Suez canal.
#cruise #cruiseship #career #jobsatsea #travel #suez #suezcanal #maritime #seaman #seafarers #ships #cruiselife
#cruise #cruiseship #career #jobsatsea #travel #suez #suezcanal #maritime #seaman #seafarers #ships #cruiselife
Transit through the Suez Canal.
Remember your first?
#cruise #cruiseship #career #jobsatsea #travel #suez #suezcanal #maritime #seaman #seafarers #ships #cruiselife
#cruise #cruiseship #career #jobsatsea #travel #suez #suezcanal #maritime #seaman #seafarers #ships #cruiselife
Seit über 20 Jahren wird in Englang eine Analyse unter Verschluss gehalten, die nachweist, wie schlecht eine #Privatisierung der #Wasserversorgung (und #Abwasserentsorgung) ist. In diesem Jahr gab die Geschäftsführerin von #ThamesWater zu, dass die hohe Verschmutzung der Flüsse das Ergebnis "jahrzehntelanger Unterinvestitionen" des privatisierten Wasserunternehmens sei." https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/20/revealed-warning-to-ministers-over-privatised-water-kept-secret-since-2002 #Veolia #Suez #Bechtel #Daseinsvorsorge #Lobbyismus
#privatisierung #wasserversorgung #abwasserentsorgung #thameswater #veolia #suez #bechtel #daseinsvorsorge #lobbyismus
RT @obs_multinat
▶️Des centaines de m€ pour banquiers, avocats et lobbyistes
▶️Des conflits d'intérêts au sommet de l'Etat
▶️Une stratégie de capture d'une rente climatique
▶️Des #superprofits sur les services essentiels
Retour sur l'affaire #Veolia-#Suez
S'il y a des gens qui sont sur Ivry-sur-Seine, il y a un gros enjeu à venir demain un peu avant 5h pour empêcher le déblocage de l'incinérateur.
S'il est débloqué, ça permettra vraiment la reprise des collectes donc ça compromettra fortement les actions des éboueurs.
S'il reste bloqué ça permet de continuer à faire perdre des millions par jour à Suez parce qu'ils fournissent plus le chauffage urbain.
5h 43 rue de Bruneseau.
#incinerateur #suez #ivry #blocage #greve
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #evergiven #suez #canal
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #evergiven #suez #canal
MSC Istanbul vastgelopen in Suezkanaal
lees meer: https://www.transport-online.nl/site/151547/msc-istanbul-vastgelopen-in-suezkanaal/
#suez #suezkanaal #mscistanbul
#Earthquake 30 km N of #Suez (#Egypt) 25 min ago (local time 00:25:41). Updated map - Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience via:
Felt the #earthquake (#زلزال) in #Suez and want to talk about it? Join us on lastquakers.eu and share your experience! Meet eye-witnesses & seismologists and talk about #earthquakes, #tsunamis and all the fascinating topics you're interested in:
#earthquake #زلزال #suez #earthquakes #tsunamis