For the #CultureRPG I think I’ll be pilfering from #SufficientlyAdvanced as the Core Values thing is interesting though I may mix that with #Pendragon passions/virtues. The main system will be a simple dice pool - similar to what I’ve used for #KickMurder or #SilverHairedSentinels.
There doesn’t need to be much system to support the Culture. It’s really more about human-scale conflicts. Everything else is narration/plot points
#culturerpg #sufficientlyadvanced #Pendragon #KickMurder #silverhairedsentinels #ttrpg #ttrpgDesign
@KryptykPhysh I guess it depends if the players are part of #TheCulture, or whether they’re they’re a emerging civilisation bumping into Culture ethics. Or something in between like Bora Horza Gobuchul.
I’m sure the ability of Culture ships to use effectors and displacers is #SufficientlyAdvanced to look like magic.
#theculture #sufficientlyadvanced