This Newspaper is Garbage, BUT only source at the moment. #Breaking #News #US #NY #SuffolkNY #ACAB #CorruptCops - former Suffolk County Police Chief and convict James Burke is arrested by Park Rangers. No further details.
#corruptcops #ACAB #suffolkny #ny #US #News #Breaking
So this chick who was a real jealous pig in school had a daddy that owned the Buick Car Dealership, a brother who is one of the date rape boys, who could not even get into advanced placement classes in high school (for smart kids), is an FBI agent who really liked staring at my Facebook account before I abandoned it in 2020 after truth serum torture. #SuffolkNY #Corruption #Nepotism #StupidityWithABadge
#stupiditywithabadge #nepotism #Corruption #suffolkny
#Gilgo #SuffolkNY
Watch "A Tale of Corruption & Deceipt In Suffolk County, Long Island, NY With Hans Schmid, Author" on YouTube
#SuffolkNY #Gilgo
Watch "Suffolk Police Officer Accused Of Pointing Gun At Three Women" on YouTube
Since unethical Judges are in the mix this week, I want to point out that for a long as I can remember voting in local elections, Judges in Suffolk County, NY often run unopposed on the Republican line. You can't convince me the Democrats here are not working with the Republicans to control politics. #SuffolkNY #Corruption #LegalEthics #NY
#ny #legalethics #Corruption #suffolkny
Someone tell what law is being enforced when my daughter and I are pummeled with directed energy weapons for years? #HavanaSyndrome #HumanRightsViolations #HIPPAViolations #SuffolkNY
#suffolkny #hippaviolations #humanrightsviolations #havanasyndrome
Nice technology, are we paying for a drone to wipe your ass, too, pigs? Try finding the kids trafficked with it. #HavanaSyndrome #TaxesBack #stalkers #SuffolkNY
#suffolkny #stalkers #taxesback #havanasyndrome
#SuffolkNY #corruption #AbolishPoliceUnions #corruptDistrictAttorney
A Suffolk County legislator (@RobertTrotta1) is being sued because he asked the county ethics board whether it was appropriate for the police union to donate to the district attorney's campaign fund and the board said it would be “inherently problematic.” Great scoop by @moknyc.
#corruptdistrictattorney #abolishpoliceunions #Corruption #suffolkny