#SweetDeath : How #Sugar Is Making Us Sick
#doku #documentary
#food #foodaddiction #sugaraddiction #health
Again, not into the #grossophobie #fatphobia. Ièm interested in the #healtheffects that affect everyon (#ChronicIllneeses, like #diabetes, #cardiovasculardisease, hypertension, etc)
#sweetdeath #sugar #endevrdocumentary #doku #documentary #food #foodaddiction #sugaraddiction #health #grossophobie #Fatphobia #healtheffects #chronicillneeses #diabetes #cardiovasculardisease
I went to the cafe and only drank black coffee. Then went for groceries and the only sugary thing I got were fruits! Little proud of myself.
@msquebanh I don't think sugar is good for any of us, but most don't realize the impact it has on their health until they cut it out...even then it is too easy to fall back under the magic spell of the CandyMan.
Manage your #sugar intake to boost #brainhealth and prevent #sugaraddiction
#sugaraddiction #brainhealth #sugar
Overcome #sugaraddiction with these #sugardetox tips (plus withdrawal symptoms to look out for)
Well I have a #confession to make I have a #sugar #addiction, it has taken me all my life to realize this.
I am a #sugar-o-holic yes that's right I have a sugar addiction
My new design SUGAR-O-HOLIC is to help bring awareness to #sugaraddiction
#hippieworks™ #hippieworks #candy #sugar #honey #lolly #lollies #chocolate #sweet #sweets #candies #halloween #holiday #holidays #christmas #xmas #chocoholic #choc-o-holic, #sugaroholic #addicted #health #food #chocolate #keto
#confession #sugar #Addiction #sugaraddiction #hippieworks #candy #honey #lolly #lollies #chocolate #sweet #sweets #candies #halloween #holiday #holidays #christmas #xmas #chocoholic #choc #sugaroholic #addicted #health #food #keto
Bonjour, masto!
Thé vert à la menthe du balcon :tea2:
mon programme desintox du sucre commence à fonctionner ainsi que le #fasting :blobcheerbounce: