@benoit @codewiz Right now, Sugar Labs is focusing on building SOAS (Sugar On a Stick), a live OS on a USB concept, using Sugar Desktop Environment based on a #Fedora image (https://spins.fedoraproject.org/en/soas/) .
Along with that, the rising new developments are "#Musicblocks", (https://musicblocks.sugarlabs.org/) an interesting tool to create music using block programming, and "#Sugarizer" (https://try.sugarizer.org/) , a web+android+iOS framework which helps kids use #Sugar on many modern devices ✨🚀
#fedora #musicblocks #sugarizer #sugar
@ashwinvis #sugar is a desktop environment, written in Python, GTK3, etc. #sugarizer is a Javascript implementation of Sugar, so that it remains accessible from different devices and can run on a browser. Sugar DE can only be run on Linux Desktops / Tablets / Raspberry PIs / OLPCs. #sugarizer and #sugar are completely independent projects, maintained separately.