Sixto Rodriguez, le chanteur de Sugar Man, qui est aussi le titre de ce film que je vous recommande très fort de voir si ce n'est pas déjà fait, est décédé il y a quelques jours, a l'âge de 81 ans.
Si ce type là n'est pas inspirant, je ne sais pas qui l'est.
#rodriguez #sugarman
Sixto Rodríguez presente!! Remembering Sugar Man #sugarman
In seiner Heimat, den USA, so gut wie unbekannt, in Südafrika eine absolute Legende. Die Geschichte von Sixto Rodriguez ist sicherlich eine der ungewöhnlichsten Storys in der Geschichte der Rockmusik. Nun ist der aus der Dokumentation „Searching for Sugar Man“ bekannte Musiker im Alter von 81 Jahren verstorben.
#Popfilter #Rodriguez #SearchingForSugarMan #SugarMan #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#popfilter #rodriguez #searchingforsugarman #sugarman #popfilterdersongdestages
Australia's ABC has a pretty good take on #Sugarman
È morto Sixto Rodriguez
Il folksinger di Detroit diventato una leggenda in #SudAfrica a sua insaputa, se n'è andato all'età di 81 anni. Nel 2012 il documentario premio Oscar 'Searching for Sugar Man' ne aveva raccontato la storia, è possibile vedere qui:
Rodriguez è stato l’ispirazione dietro il documentario premio Oscar Searching for #SugarMan del 2012, che seguiva due uomini sudafricani mentre tentavano di scoprire se le voci sulla morte di Rodriguez fossero vere.
Heaven done called another blues singer back home ...
Gute Reise, Sugar Man!
#rodriguez #sugarman #rip
Farewell, Sugarman.
Sixto Rodriguez, R.I.P.
Very sorry to hear this. R.I.P. Detroit singer-songwriter Sixto Rodriguez
Deep sadness: we have lost Sixto Rodriguez. A most remarkable musician. A most remarkable life and music of conscience. A most remarkable influence on South Africa, about which he himself was totally unaware for much of his life!
@barbara Habe #Rodriguez vor ein paar Jahren in der Royal Albert Hall gesehen. 🤩 Auch da merkte man ihm sein Alter schon sehr an. Nichtsdestotrotz ein unvergesslicher Abend. #rip #sugarman
Sad news. Sixto Rodriguez dies at 81.
#Sugarman had a cult-like following in Australia and South Africa, but was largely unknown in his home country, the US.
There has always been a strong suggestion that his original US producer/agent got rich while Rodriguez remained poor.
The cynicism of his lyrics belied his generous and gentle nature which remained largely a mystery until "Searching For Sugar Man" was released.
And maybe today he did slip away.
R.I.P. Sixto Rodriguez
Die Doku „Searching for Sugar Man“ läuft gerade auf MUBI — große Empfehlung!
#SugarMan #Musik #Dokumentarfilm #Film
#sugarman #musik #dokumentarfilm #film
RIP Sixto Diaz Rodriguez. Or as I tend to call him: The better Bob Dylan. A true master is no more.
#music #Sugarman
The #documentary "Searching for Sugar Man" (2012) is one of the greatest music films ever.
Highly recommended if you haven't seen it yet!
Rodríguez Musik ist einfach unglaublich toll, wunderschön. Und seine Geschichte - unglaublich!
#watchlist #music #doku #sugarman #Rodriguez #rip 🖤
#documentary #watchlist #music #doku #sugarman #rodriguez #rip
“And you claim you got something going
Something you call unique
But I've seen your self-pity showing
As the tears rolled down your cheeks Soon you know I'll leave you
And I'll never look behind
'Cause I was born for the purpose
That crucifies your mind”
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #TootRadio #SoundCheck #TeamVieux #WeAreTheRadio #np #NowPlaying #SixtoRodriguez #Rodriguez #CrucifyYourMind #SugarMan #RIP #RIPSIxtoRodriguew
#mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #teamvieux #wearetheradio #np #nowplaying #sixtorodriguez #rodriguez #crucifyyourmind #sugarman #rip #ripsixtorodriguew