You know you’re a tired and hormonal mess when the discovery that #Fentimans have added #stevia to their amazing ginger beer, so it now tastes utterly appalling, is enough to reduce you to self piteous tears 😭😭 #SugarTax #EverythingIsBroken
#fentimans #stevia #sugartax #everythingisbroken
Sugar and alcohol labels warning:
How the long shadow of drink giants pushes public health and sugar labelling into the shade
“... an extraordinary case study in the American-style regulatory sabotage used by food and drink companies to fight consumer protection that risks their bottom line”. The "cosy relationships between governments and lobby groups are a cancer on our democracy”
#PublicHealth #SugarTax #alcohohl #lobby #labelling #FoetalAlcoholSpectrumDisorder #pregnant #FASD #food #drink #consumer #protection #PublicHealth #regulation
#publichealth #sugartax #alcohohl #lobby #labelling #foetalalcoholspectrumdisorder #pregnant #fasd #food #drink #consumer #protection #regulation
Happy anniversary to OMD’s album, ‘Sugar Tax’. Released this week in 1991. #omd #sugartax #sailingonthesevenseas #pandorasbox #thenyouturnaway #callmyname
#omd #sugartax #sailingonthesevenseas #pandorasbox #thenyouturnaway #callmyname
Jag säger ja till skatt på läsk, inför det gärna även på alla former av energidrycker.
#SugarTax works, and we have the science to prove it.
Caveat: It mostly reduces sugar ingestion among the less wealthy, which might mean such measures are not equitable.
Zoals de wegenbelasting ooit bedoeld was voor verbeteren en onderhoud van de wegen, kan een suikertax gebruikt worden voor gratis #schoolmaaltijden, althans dat vind Jamie Oliver. Ik ben het met hem eens, dat zou win-win zijn.
Moet je het wel gaan invoeren natuurlijk.
#sugar #sugartax #suikertax #frisdranken #sugarydrinks
Jamie Oliver: Sugar tax could fund school meals - BBC News
#schoolmaaltijden #sugar #sugartax #suikertax #frisdranken #sugarydrinks
The country has endured yet another year of this dreadful government. A PM we never voted for and a system unfit for purpose. If only the government were less concerned with obesity and more bothered about keeping people warm, housed, fed. #sugartax #r4today #GeneralElectionN0W
#generalelectionn0w #r4today #sugartax
How well has the #sugartax worked, and what might happen if it was to disappear? Listen to this insightful podcast by ESSNA's partner featuring and
"Perhaps because the diseases related to sugar intake do happen to regressively hit poor communities the hardest, this poll outcome shouldn’t be surprising:
'A UMR poll from July 2017 found that New Zealanders on the lowest income bracket were most supportive of a SD tax.
A tax on sugar-sweetened beverages would be a vital first step."
#GordonCampbell, 2022
#gordoncampbell #aotearoa #nz #sugar #sugartax
#UK #Obesity #SugarTax #JunkFood #NHS
Interesting article on another u-turn by #Johnson on promised policy to promote health.
Typical claim is 'obesity is due to personal choice' not government policy. But people can only make choices within a paradigm set by law and policy - a goldfish can choose which way to swim but only inside the same fish tank. People can choose what to eat but only within constraints set by others.
As usual it is comments left by #Guardian readers that really nail it.
#guardian #johnson #nhs #junkfood #sugartax #obesity #uk