Philosophical #SitecoreLunch today! Discussed:
🧑✈️ #GitHubCopilot
⚖️ Cunningham's Law
🚋 The trolley problem
☀️ #OpenJDK for #Solr
🧠 #SUGCONEU takeaways
💬 Conversational #ChatGPT
👨 Mansplaining as a service
🤖 Automated code generation
🏫 #ChatGPT and homeschooling
💃 Stream APIs with #SitecoreCDP
🙂 @shanselman's #SUGCONEU keynote
See you same time next week! 🥪🥗
#sitecorecdp #chatgpt #sugconeu #solr #openjdk #githubcopilot #sitecorelunch
Bubbly #SitecoreLunch today! Discussed:
🎶 #Spotify AI DJ
🙌 AI image hands
💋 Makeup tutorials
💥 Exploding USB sticks
🔐 Pros and cons of VPN
🛣️ Road tripping and long drives
🤖 #Sitecore Forms Robot Detection
🖼️ #OpenAI, #Bing, and image generation
🐳 Running #Docker and IIS simultaneously
See you same time next week! 🥪🥗
#docker #bing #openai #sitecore #spotify #sugconna #sugconeu #tgif #sitecorelunch
Join the #SitecoreCommunity tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. ET for this week's #SitecoreLunch. Chat #Sitecore, #SUGCONEU, and more! 🥩🍟
⏲️ when: tomorrow, 12:15 p.m. ET
🖥️ where: details in #Sitecore Slack #general channel
🍕 join #Sitecore Slack:
#general #sugconeu #sitecore #sitecorelunch #sitecorecommunity