My stream contains too much bad news. I need more #cuteness in my life. Any suggestions for accounts/hashtags to follow?
Preferably #sfw up too and including flirty stuff, but #nonsfw
Looked at the #femboy hashtag, but jewbus rollerblading Christmas there's a lot of NSFW #femboy content.
#cuteness #sfw #nonsfw #femboy #suggestionswanted
Lately I've been quick #pickling things like #cucumber, red #onions, #bellpeppers, #tomato and even #carrots, all thinly sliced and covered with sugar, salt, vinegar and maybe some pepper, for as long as it takes in between preparing it and the rest of dinner.
Usually it gets finished off along with dinner, or if any is left, it would be gone come lunch time the next day. Definitely not meant for long-term storage.
Now I'm looking for suggestions for other #veggies that don't take a long time cleaning and can easily be sliced up and added to the vinegar.
So, #suggestionsWanted!
#pickling #cucumber #onions #bellpeppers #tomato #carrots #veggies #suggestionswanted #food #recipes #pickle
Thinking about a replacement for my OnePlus One. The phone is OK (although it has a few annoyances like rebooting when overheating) but the case has a few chips and cracks in it, that make me think it won't last out the year. So I'm in the market for an unlocked android phone. It seems like OnePlus has kindof gone upmarket from what I need. I kindof miss the more convenient form factor of my old nexus 5, but I guess I can also handle the same form factor.