I made a lot of progress with my depression these past weeks and am finally motivated to read and write again.
I've started writing an a long time ago, to cope with what I've been through, but also to release it one day.

I'd love to let other people contribute chapters to my book. Essays on various topics that come up in my story.

So now I'm asking you all, if there is anyone who could think of writing such an essay for me, because you are affected by the topic yourself, or are an expert in the field.
Or if you know someone, who would be perfect for that topic.

Here are a few of the topics:

( @ueckueck, you said you might write that one, still interested?)

There are other topics as well, but I already have people in mind who I'll directly ask to write essays about them; especially topics around .

The essays should be at least 2-5 pages long and provide a general gist about the topic, but ideally also contain something personal, like what the topic means to you.
Written in or .

Preliminary deadline is summer '24, but a lot can change until then and if you need longer, don't worry.

Please :boost: . Thanks. ❤️

#autobiography #depression #genderidentity #asexuality #SurveillanceCapitalism #Fediverse #SocialPhobia #wtfromance #selfharm #suicidality #ClimateJustice #English #german #boost #author #book #writing #Essay #FollowerPower

Last updated 1 year ago

Auscandoc · @auscandoc
964 followers · 8558 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman “Prior to the , monthly incidences were typically higher during the , but during the spring of 2020, coinciding with , they were substantially lower.

This study’s findings suggest that the unexpected decrease in among and after school closures supports hypotheses that suicidality is associated with the US calendar.”

#pandemic #schoolyear #schoolclosures #suicidality #children #adolescents #school

Last updated 1 year ago

Daniel AJ Sokolov · @newstik
339 followers · 623 posts · Server social.heise.de

@news That's a misleading interpreation.

You know what increases in people with ? Getting better.

often help depressed get better.

is hard. It's against fundamental human program. So it takes lots of energy to do it. When a depressed person gets better, they gain necessary energy.

A common solution is to give antidepressants + benzodiazepines for a while. A study that finds suicides with antidepressants ONLY confirms this.

#suicidality #depression #antidepressants #patients #suicide

Last updated 2 years ago

"People don't fake depression...they fake being okay"

A friend recently shared tragic news of 3 at her institution over 2 months

for everyone

Young patients are also struggling everyday with

It shouldn't take 3 for us to understand that we should be kind & accommodating

#Physician #Suicide #MentalHealthMatters #kids #teens #depression #anxiety #suicidality #EatingDisorders #suicides #MedMastodon #medtwitter #mentalhealth #CovidIsNotOver #pediatrics #tweetiatricians #tootiatricians

Last updated 2 years ago

🤖 The Droid Engineer · @droidengineer
84 followers · 398 posts · Server mastodon.lol

For those experiencing and have and care for an animal, this bond can be particularly powerful and provides support for both. But often, surrendering their / is a requirement if seeking shelter or services.
Rich Osthoff, a Navy was living in a tent with his service dog Sapphire, in a dark time, experiencing and she was the only thing keeping him alive. She got sick and needed a $3k operation. scammed him.


#homelessness #dog #cat #veteran #suicidality #georgesantos

Last updated 2 years ago

Marky · @mental
78 followers · 91 posts · Server aus.social

Last Christmas, 2 members of my suicide prevention team had Covid and I had to work from home isolating from everyone. After my 8 hour shift I got the elevator up to the 21st floor rooftop of my apartments and sat at the edge with intent to jump. My work trying to prevent suicide had brought me to the brink of my own suicide and the only mental health service I could turn to was that of my own inept hospital employer. I'm still in that high rise, still with only that (now former) employer there on the end of the mental health phone line but I am strong, resilient and supported by unpaid carers who actually know how to care for others with empathy and non-judgement. I am not suicidal.

On our rooftop sits these two religious statuettes a neighbour placed there (pictured). I like the thought that these deities brought me back from the brink.

If you are in the caring professions too, please equally care for your own wellness.

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please reach out with a phone number in your country:

#suicide #nsw #mentalhealth #suicidality #christmas

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Danvers · @adanvers
322 followers · 388 posts · Server nerdculture.de

I'm in a new position, and my research now has much more clinical relevance. One of my early projects is to read up on suicidal ideation and self-harm.

Are there researchers / theories / manuscripts that people would recommend to help get a grasp on current thinking?

In particular, I'm interested in thoughts on Suicide Crisis Syndrome

#clinical #clinicalpsych #psychology #research #suicidality #suicidecrisissyndrome

Last updated 2 years ago

Hi all! My name is Hosanna, a student studying the mental and behavioral health of minority groups in and the Japanese . I have a paritcular focus on among and groups.
Very new to and so excited to connect and learn!

#mastodon #academia #diaspora #korean #ainu #suicidality #empire #japan #phd #introduction #twittermigration

Last updated 2 years ago