#Geskizzel #quick #scribble #sketch #pencil #OwnStuff #NewStuff #elephants #sulking #jungster
Have a good remaining Sunday!
#Geskizzel #quick #scribble #sketch #pencil #ownstuff #newstuff #elephants #sulking #jungster
#Dog #DogsOfMastodon #BorderCollie #Bed #sulking #GrovelyPets The mainly black and white fluffy dog is sulking and won’t go on her bed. Apparently being sick on your bed after stealing lots of treats in the pet shop is not a good enough excuse for hooman to wash it. It now smells disgusting and clean. (All stolen food was paid for by hooman).
#dog #dogsofmastodon #bordercollie #bed #sulking #grovelypets
#Dog #DogsOfMastodon #BorderCollie #Sulking #Neglect The mainly black and white fluffy dog is giving human a long hard stare. Human has been ill this week and walking has not been up to expectations. Human has also had a long journey to Newport and back to get a passport. Dog then got a full scale bath! The nerve of these humans. The state is to bring home the displeasure at human and the level of neglect dog feels she is suffering. A bath for goodness sake! Stupid hooman.
#dog #dogsofmastodon #bordercollie #sulking #neglect
@DaveGorman bah! You tempted me to try this, I got loads (well, some) every day this week. Then today I'm totally stuck and find out it was YOU! Ruined my week. #sulking (except 24A, that was easy).
A crispmouse present, but not for Honey. Pfft! This is for our friends @sighthoundSC@twitter.com to give to a hound who's waiting to find their furevers. It's full of amazing noms and a lovely toy. All of which should have been for Honey! #sulking
@stoicwolf Visit rabbitvalley.com for all your furry porn needs!
Oh wait. You said big.
Never mind. #Sulking