The paper presents an enhancement of xASP, a system that generates explanation graphs for Answer Set Programming (ASP). Different from xASP, the new system, xASP2, supports different clingo constructs like the choice rules, the constraints, and the aggregates such as #sum, #min. This work formalizes and presents an explainable artificial intelligence system for a broad fragment of ASP, capable of shrinking as much as possible the set of assumptions and presenting explanations in terms of directed acyclic graphs.
Flt: N55EA #SUM-#CAE
First seen: 2023/05/02 17:14:14
Min Alt: 2357 ft AGL
Min Dist: 5.29 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
How Our #Reality May Be a #Sum of All #PossibleRealities
#reality #sum #possiblerealities
#Mathematical Trio Advances Centuries-Old #Number #Theory Problem: #integers that can represented as the #sum of #rational #cubes .
#mathematical #number #theory #integers #sum #rational #cubes
Look like Chiyotairu has retired from #sum, right in the middle if the basho. Apparently he's looking forward to running a restaurant.
🎶 Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight [1981 r.] łapie się❓
Generating Stereo FM Signals, Thanks to Python - A casual understanding of how AM radio works is pretty easy to come by, and standa... - #arbitrarywaveformgenerator #radiohacks #difference #multiplex #pilottone #stereo #radio #sum #fm
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Generating Stereo FM Signals, Thanks to Python
#arbitrarywaveformgenerator #RadioHacks #difference #multiplex #pilottone #stereo #radio #sum #fm
#arbitrarywaveformgenerator #RadioHacks #Difference #multiplex #pilottone #stereo #Radio #sum #fm