Zum #Fotomontag noch einmal nach #Shetland: Der Leuchtturm von #SumburghHead am späten Abend. Die Kennung des Turms sind drei weiße Blitze alle 30 Sekunden. Der #Leuchtturm wurde unter Leitung von Robert Stevenson errichtet und 1821 fertiggestellt.
#fotomontag #shetland #sumburghhead #leuchtturm
Photo of a Puffin that I took at #SumburghHead, #Shetland, at the end of April. When I check the webcam https://www.shetlandwebcams.com/puffincam/ now, I hardly spot any Puffins at the cliffs of Sumburgh—at least significantly less than in previous years. Is this observation correct? Does anyone have more information about this? #puffins #birdwatching #shetlandwebcams #birdsofshetland @RSPBScotland
#sumburghhead #shetland #puffins #birdwatching #shetlandwebcams #birdsofshetland
If you want to see more of the new guests at #SumburghHead watch these webcam livestreams https://www.shetlandwebcams.com/cliff-cam/
#puffins #guillemots #seabirds #Shetland
#sumburghhead #puffins #guillemots #seabirds #shetland