Heard Wood Warblers singing in the mixed woodland above Dunblane Golf Course today. Woodland is a mix of mostly Birch, Sycamore, Scot Pine. New location for me to hear them. One of my favourite warblers, and great to have them accompanying today’s picnic lunch. Quite common to hear but not see them. #ScottishWildlife #SummerMigrants
Photo and info here including link to call.
#summermigrants #scottishwildlife
A Swift! Yay!
And there are House Martins circling over the garden!
There were loads of Sand Martins down at the river earlier and, yesterday, a Swallow at White Post Farm
Summer is a'cumin in
#SummerMigrants #SummerVisitors #Birds
#Swallow #Swift #HouseMartin #SandMartin
#sandmartin #HouseMartin #swift #swallow #birds #summervisitors #summermigrants
Oh, yes. And sand martins!
Loads of them buzzing like bees around the river bank - 20, 30, 40 - moving too fast to count
#SandMartins #RiverTrent #Nottinghamshire #SummerMigrants #Birds
#birds #summermigrants #nottinghamshire #rivertrent #SandMartins