Thanks to this year's #Google #SummerOfCode (#GSoC), a student developer took the initiative in working on an automated #Gentoo #Linux system updater to help begineers and ease the roll-out of security updates to users. The default behavior with gentoo_update is to only deploy security updates from the Gentoo Linux Security Advisories (GLSA) by default. Alternatively the #gentoo_update utility can also keep all system packages up-to-date. better than cron'ing emerge!
#google #summerofcode #gsoc #gentoo #linux #gentoo_update
Exploring Linux Advancements: GSoC 2023 Showcases Promising Projects
#Linux #OpenSource #GSoC #GSoC2023 #summerofcode
From the #OSJobHub Blog: Open Source Internships to Grow Your Career #jobs #career #OpenSource #internship #FOSS #SummerOfCode #Outreachy
#OSJobHub #jobs #career #opensource #internship #foss #summerofcode #outreachy
#TIL, courtesy of a #FOSSAsia session on OpenEuler, that the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences runs a summer of code style project that...
"... aims to encourage college students to actively participate in the maintenance and development of open source software, promote the vigorous development of open source software communities, and build the open source software supply chain together."
#til #fossasia #iscas #openeuler #summerofcode
Application period open for Google Summer of Code #GSoC #OpenSource #FOSS #project #SummerOfCode #developers #contribute #Google
#gsoc #opensource #foss #project #summerofcode #developers #contribute #google
From the #OSJobHub Blog: Google Summer of Code 2023 applications are due April 4. Apply and contribute to open source projects like @libreoffice #DjangoSoftwareFoundation and more #GSoC #OpenSource #projects #developer #FOSS #intern #SummerOfCode #Google
#OSJobHub #DjangoSoftwareFoundation #gsoc #opensource #projects #developer #foss #intern #summerofcode #google
#SummerOfCode proposals are now open until 4 April.
Students and open source beginners 18 years and older are welcome to apply - get paid to code #opensource #chemistry with and other #OpenChemistry projects this summer!
#summerofcode #opensource #chemistry #openchemistry
Šī informācija var priecēt studentus un skolēnus - Google #SummerofCode piedalās gan @openstreetmap, gan @organicmaps.
Var papildināt burvīgus projektus, gūt unikālu pieredzi un vēl nopelnīt :)
From the #OSJobHub Blog: Learn how mentorship can help develop your open source career #OpenSource #mentor #career #FOSS #job #diversity #sustainability #intern #SummerOfCode #SOC
#OSJobHub #opensource #mentor #career #foss #job #diversity #sustainability #intern #summerofcode #soc
J'ai profité de #codeursenseine pour me procurer une version physique d'une histoire de développeurs en BD. #Codeurs2022 #commitstrip #summerofcode
#codeursenseine #codeurs2022 #commitstrip #summerofcode
PawBud wrote a first (non-technical) blog post about the onboarding experience during the #GSoC project he does with the @xmpp Standards Foundation.
Check it out!
l'administration française recherche des groupes, entreprises et administrations françaises qui développent des logiciels libres.
Date limite : le 6 mars
#france #summerofcode #logiciellibre
@markosaric maybe we should start deGoogling from the top down and dismantle #GSOC #SummerOfCode at this point it's frankly an unbearable bribe. I hate that so many high profile projects have a love relationship on steroids with Google #Debian #Fedora #LibreOffice
#gsoc #summerofcode #fedora #libreoffice #debian
Half way through and we are feeling in the flow 😎 @jancborchardt @elalemanyo @axlwaii Camilla via @jospoortvliet Neta and of course our leader and chief @skjnldsv 💙
#learntocode #summerofcode #womenwhocode
RT Day one of started with a super warm welcome from now we are getting set up and had a meeting with about our work this summer on Contacts App.
#Excited #WomenInTech #Learntocode #100DaysOfCode #SummerOfCode #firstday
#excited #womenintech #learntocode #100daysofcode #summerofcode #firstday
support #DiversityInTech through #sponsoring #summerofcode programmes like @RailsGirlsSoC please encourage your company to donate if they have funds for supporting the world wide community! #learntocode #InternationalWomensDay #womenintech … #nextcloud
#diversityintech #sponsoring #summerofcode #learntocode #internationalwomensday #womenintech #nextcloud
RT @deneb_alpha: Are you ready for a new @gsoc? @libreoffice is waiting for you!
#summerofcode #GSOC
Have fun!